Serge Lutens Perfume

'How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I love thee to the depth and breath and height my soul can reach.'
 Elizabeth Barrett Browning. 
Sonnets from the Portuguese 1850
Palais Royal
Muscs Koubläi Khan

Serge Lutens in Morocco
"Perfume is a form of writing,
an ink,
a choice made in the first person, 
the dot on the i,
A weapon,
a courteous gesture,
part of the instant,
a consequence."
Serge Lutens
Need I say more?

1 comment:

  1. Ellie I don't know if you receive comments on old post, but hopefully so. I decided to read some of your older post again while I wait for news of you and I found this one. I make a trip to Paris just to buy my perfume at the Palais Royal. Thank you for this beautiful post! And also for all the other honest, from the heart writing you do! I've enjoyed the journey these past years. Hopefully there will be more sharing to come, but if not I want you to know how much fun it's been. THANK YOU Ellie for being you! Love from one of your faithful followers in Bellevue Washington.
