An Invitation To Provence

So I wanted to take a little break today and tell you how lucky I am. That may seem odd coming from a girl with ALS. But I am. I’m super lucky. See, I have these friends. I have these friends who make ALS go away. You know how people say that you are lucky if you can count your good friends on one hand? Well surprisingly, I can count my friends on two hands! I received an email from one of them yesterday that I wanted to share with you.

The letter is from a dear friend named Susie inviting me to her beautiful house in Provence. I was going to give you a description of Susie but my words were not doing her justice so I just thought I would let her personality shine through in her letter and you all could see how wonderful she is.

 Dear Ellie,
Somebody once told me that it is important to tell the people we love that we love them. And, in a letter, this should be said at the beginning rather than at the end.

Of course I love you, how could I possibly not?
You are everything I love, you are sweet, funny and intelligent. You have amazingly good taste and you would be surprised to learn, how much inspiration I take from your fashion dos and don’ts.
You are sunny, keep up your smile in all kinds of situations and when you once really loose it, then it never takes long until it comes back to brighten your pretty face.
Oh yes, I have seen that you are in Provence already, seated on a pretty wicker chaise, sipping a pastis and nibbling some crispy toasted bread with tapenade spread on top.
Let’s make this happen! Let’s stop talking. We have been waiting too long already!
Could you PLEASE try to come to Provence around the 18t of July and you stay as long as you feel happy and don’t get tired having me and my little stories around you. 
Another beautiful idea would be that you come and see us here in Lugano, on the 2nd of August. We will then explore Como and the lake, go on a Riva boat ride, have lunch at the Villa d”Este, enjoy Sao’s homemade specialities, explore the Borromean islands with their breathtakingly beautiful gardens in Lago Maggiore.
After the 6th of August we’ll return to Provence, with the next window for us to inhale the lavender perfumed air together, to go to the market under the old sycamore trees, take a break for aperitif and newspaper or simply people watching, return home for lunch and laziness around the pool. The musee Granet is waiting for us, as well as little street concerts and the coral colored old town of Aix with its uncountable, refreshing fountains.
Jean Claude and I are already looking forward to having you with us very soon. Your room is waiting for you, we stop eating the fraises de bois ourselves to keep them for you, we start to observe the weather forecast to be sure it’ll be sweet and sunny, Jean Claude works on his apricot teint and I have gotten myself a new petrol eye liner ; )
I can’t wait to share with you sooo much in person, with all details, accompanied by laughter and moistened with some bubbly drinks. 
Love you more than cocktail hour at the Quisisana in Capri!
Tender hugs,

 How could I refuse an offer like that? Then, after I emailed her today and asked her if I could share her email with everyone she sent me this:

Oh Ellie!
You should see me know … blushed all over and with shiny eyes.
How can you possibly thank me? I love you and all I do is express what I feel for you.
You allow me to share in little stories, the beauty of the fairytale called life. We talk about all the interesting people we meet, people with different backgrounds and fascinating passions, we get hungry over the latest homemade dishes we have enjoyed, share our enthusiasm over organically grown vegetables from our own hatch, we love to look at chic Parisians, huge sophisticated flower bouquets and wide, aery hotel lobbies.
We love to laugh together, giggle over silly things, and when a dark cloud shows up on the blue sky above, we love to be together, tenderly united, as together we have the strength to blow it away!
You are my very dear friend. Feel free 
I love you more than the smell of the orange blossom in Sicily (we’ll go there on Sunday)
Many sweet hugs, also from Jean Claude

 See! How could I even possibly think about ALS after receiving emails like this is?
Note to other friends: Relax, darlings… I love you all equally.


  1. What a beautiful are both blessed.

  2. Only one comment here?! I believe that perhaps folks were simply blown away by the beauty of Susie's expression of her love for you. And yours for her. It glows. Friendship is grand, isn't it? Either that or they were terribly jealous of her very generous offer. I skipped ahead to read this post (still working backwards) so I don't know yet if you went but oh how I hope that you did!! Either sounds like the trip of a lifetime...and I live in Provence! ;)
    PS. Susie most certainly "gets" the essence of the good life here as well...Aix is the most beautiful city in Provence...I would make me SO happy to know that you have been there...I think that you would love it as I do.
