Wonder Woman

It’s that time of year again. Paris Fashion Week! For fashion spectators like myself, the best thing to do this week is to sit back, relax and enjoy the show…the show on the street that is. Normally, on any given day in Paris you see the most fashionable, most stylish, most chic people in the world. That’s just par for the course in Paris. But, during fashion week in Paris, the fashion barometer goes to a whole new level. My favorite thing to do during this crazy week is to sit at a café (Le Nemours or La Palette) or take a walk through the Tuileries garden and just watch the street fashion show. This is where the fashionistas are...The editors, the stylists, the fashion bloggers, the diehard fashion show attendees.

Every season, I am always impressed by one woman in particular. Giovanna Battaglia. Former model for Dolce & Gabbana, she made a successful transition to editor (L’Uomo Vogue), freelance stylist and contributing fashion editor to W magazine. She doesn’t just talk the talk, she walks the walk. She is the epitome of style. What I love about her fashion story is that she always looks like a lady, she always looks unique, sophisticated and timeless. Take a look…

Isn’t she lovely?
Bon week-end!

*Something you don’t know about me? My wardrobe basically consists of the following… Jeans, cashmere sweaters, jackets, scarves, sneakers, flats and hats. Colors? Blue, black, grey, orange, camel, leopard. Nail polish? Beige, grey, ox blood red. Perfume? Don’t even get me started on perfumes (obsessed) but for day-to-day, I combine Le Labo Rose with L’ Artisan Parfumeur Patchouli. My look at home? Pajamas, monogrammed cashmere socks, Serge Lutens Koublai Khan perfume and jewelry. I can get away with this because I have ALS. Don’t be jealous. What’s your look?


  1. Ellie,
    I really look forward to your posts!! I've decided that there is no good reason why I haven't tried more of Ina's recipes ( because I love the few I have tried ) so today i sat in the sun and made my grocery list...well so far it's been" Outrageous "brownies and Tiramisu but tomorrow it's Indonesian Chicken and Lentil soup...you enrich my life!! xo
    ps I think that's the nicest thing i've ever said to anyone except maybe my mother:)

    1. Indonesian chicken and lentil soup sounds delicious. So happy you like the blog and thank you so much for the compliment.Merci! XO XO

  2. I love this blog! I look forward to it every day and encourage my friends to read it too. I really enjoyed your dos and don'ts on entertaining.

    1. Dear Lynn, so glad you like the blog. Thanks for the shout out to your friends. Hope you having a great day. XOXO

  3. I truly enjoy your blog and always starts my day with a smile
    Thank you

    1. So glad you like the blog. Thank you so much for reading. Smiles are good! XOXO

  4. As it is still hot in these parts, my uniform is skinny jeans, an assortment of white linen blouses, sandals, a satchel bag (oxblood in a nod to autumn) and casual jewelry for a sort of rural lifestyle. When I wear perfume, it is generally Chanel #19.

    Giovanna Battaglia is splendid.

  5. Giovanna exudes style and flair for life! It's still too warm now for cashmere, but I love simple shapes and good accessories. Lady Devonshire spoke of clothing she owned for 40 years, and I do have some items that I have owned and love because of the quality of the fabric and the cut.
    Love signature accessories, scents and a great hair cut.

  6. i love giovanna. there's another website (iwanttobeabattaglia.com) that always has a great round up on her outfits.

  7. Your at home look is VERY CHIC..........I shall take note cashmere socks!XXX

  8. Ellie, with every post that I read of yours I am bursting with comments. I see that I am not alone in that. You hit the chiming chords with many of us. I know for me it is the excitement of "Hey, me too!" Me too. And yet in no way do I want you to take precious breath to acknowledge that because it just is what it is and yes, nous sommes nombreuses...but I will look forward to reading more of what you have here back in time...I have never done so with a blog but it is a luxury what you are offering and a rich gift in itself. Sompteuse, on peut dire.
