"Life itself is the most wonderful fairytale."-Hans Christian Anderson

Do you remember the days when we learned our lessons the right way? Yes, through fairytales. I had to learn these lessons the hard way because my mother neglected to read fairytales to me. However, my aunt made up the difference and would send me fairytale books into my 30s. Remember, I told you she always gives me back-handed compliments. This would be one of them, “Here’s a beautiful fairytale book for your birthday, Ellie. Read Chapter 4 regarding morals, you’ll love it.” Actually, this could be considered more passive-aggressive. I don’t know, I will ask my therapist.

Now, on the other hand, my friend Susie was raised on fairytales in a classical non-dysfunctional manner, so it is no surprise that she is a lovely human being. More than lovely, Susie is who we are all supposed to be. Courageous, honorable, loyal, loving and kind. It’s also no surprise that Susie married a prince charming. Truly, Prince Charming. I cannot tell you their whole love story in fear of you killing yourself out of jealousy. Good news, as of October 1, Susie has launched her jewelry line, Faery of Tales! The concept is clear...”For the young and the young at heart, because memories, like fairytales are meant to Last.” J’adore!

Refined with elegant craftsmanship (think Hèrmes for children) Faery of Tales offers necklaces and bracelets based on childhood fairytales. Snow White, Puss in Boots and my favorite, The Nightingale. Leather, sterling silver, gold, sapphires, diamonds…Oh my!

Magical, right? We all know how difficult it can be raising children these days with all of the bombastic elements of life. How do you raise a child with all of their morals intact? I think the best thing to do is to go back to the basics. Open a book, dream, imagine and learn through stories. Fairytales are still the best resource. Now, with the Faery of Tales jewelry line, the fairytales are tangible. Not unlike a talisman, Faery of Tales aims to empower the wearer with noble attributes. Friendship, bravery, kindness, honesty, courage, and love. I’m still working on a few of these but it’s nothing that the Nightingale’s Emperor’s Palace necklace with 18 karat yellow gold and diamonds won’t cure.


Perfect for you, your daughter, granddaughter, a special friend or your gay son (as all sons should be), Faery of Tales will be a cherished keepsake for generations. Faery of Tales is a gentle reminder that life and childhood can still be filled with magic, wonderment and wanderlust while still following the golden rules and instilling virtues. Voilà!


  1. Your posts are magical and each one delights me. Yours is the first blog I check each morning and I am always happy to read your elegant posts.

  2. Your posts start my day with hope that all things magical and beautiful are out there, within our reach as long as we believe . There's a kindness and happiness to your writing that just uplifts my spirit! Every morning I wake up hoping to hear from the fair Eleanor
    Thank you thank you for making life beautiful for all those fortunate enough to read your posts!

  3. My MAMA didNOT read fairy tales to me either.........
    What an adorable idea to do a line of jewelry!I have zero GIRLS in my LIFE but I do have two SONS..........perhaps,I can get them interested for their other halves!
    Morals, manners all slipping away.............perhaps we need an APP for that!
