N° 21


What’s a girl got to do around here to get to an auction? Jeez! All I wanted to do was go to the sale of the century. Sunday morning, outside of Paris in the little town of Fountainbleu, at the prestigious auction house,Osenat, was none other than the auction of the personable items of Napoleon freaking Bonaparte! Now, let it be said that my husband always does what I want. We like to do the same things… Flea markets, farmers markets, antique stores, restaurants, movies… Etc. We always say the reason why we like each other so much is because we like to do the same things. He is always up for all of my adventures and I assumed that he would be 100% on board with the Napoleon auction. Apparently, I was wrong. He did not want to go. He adamantly did not want to go. I adamantly wanted to go. If I was not paralyzed, I would have breezed right past him and gone to the auction by myself. But, since I need him, his car, and his money (and I happen to like his company)…I had to get clever. First things first, I started to pout and ignore him. He hates when I ignore him. I do this very well but this time it wasn’t working so I decided that I should probably start shouting at him. This didn’t work either. Then I told him I was never going to eat or drink again if he didn’t take me to the Napoleon auction. This worked! He (reluctantly) agreed to go to the auction! Feel free to use my method.

7:30 AM Sunday morning my caregiver arrives to get me ready. By 8:30 AM we are out the door, in the car and on our way to Fountainbleu. Yes, I made David stop for a Starbucks chai because he just loves to do that. :-) After about an hour we arrived to the little town and it was all abuzz! This was a very important auction. The collection of Napoleon Bonaparte’s 1000 or so personal belongings have been in the possession of the Grimaldi family of Monaco. Yes, Princess Grace’s family. They have maintained a museum of these collectibles since 1970. The Grimaldi family decided to have the auction to make room for a new museum dedicated to Princess Grace. Obviously, I felt it was my obligation to attend the auction in honor of Princess Grace… Or at least this is what I told my husband.

We had two hours to preview the lot. It was a madhouse in there. Museum curators, antique dealers, collectors. I was the only Lookie Loo. Totally claustrophobic and I almost fainted but I persevered because that’s the kind of girl I am. The star of the auction was Napoleon’s hat. His famous characteristic bicorne hat. There are only 20 left in the world. The hat was originally intended to be worn with the two points facing forward but because Napoleon was so fashion forward he wore it sideways. Just kidding, he wore his hat sideways so his men would be able to distinguish him on the battlefield. Surrounding the hat at the auction were gaggles of people trying to catch a glimpse. Because I am in a wheelchair, people feel obligated to get out of my way so fortunately I was allowed to have a moment alone with the hat and a photo! Thank you ALS!


I had spent the previous evening perusing the auction catalog online. There were some truly remarkable pieces… The baby cradle given by Napoleon I to his adoptive daughter, Stéphanie de Beauharnais, personal letters, a tomb shaped medallion that contains a lock of Napoleon’s hair, a blue red and white scarf with Napoleon’s initials in gold embroidery, a bronze replica of the column of the Place Vendôme, a pair of Napoleon’s silk stockings, a sword encrusted in diamonds, paintings, statues… Souvenirs galore!


 But, there was one little thing that caught my eye. Number 21. Lot number 21. Number 21: “Fragment of a light green wallpaper, decorated with an ivy branch and a fragment of brick. Souvenirs of Napoleon Bonaparte’s from Louis XVI’s bedroom in the prison “Temple.” This is what I wanted from the auction. Number 21. It was the size of a postage stamp and I wanted it. David of course rolled his eyes and said, “Should we buy this minuscule piece of wallpaper or pay your caregivers?” My response: “Do I need to answer that question? Now, go register and place my bid, please.” By this time, after seeing all of the treasures in person, David was beginning to realize the importance of the auction, the intrigue and the historical story. In other words, he saw the error of his ways and realized that I was right about wanting to attend this auction. He would never say that out loud but his actions spoke louder because my sweet David placed the bid for me.


In the meantime, while the auction was underway, we decided to visit the Château de Fountainbleu. We had registered with the auctioneer to conduct a phone bid with us on David's cell phone when our lot number came up. A remarkable Château yet all I could think about was the auction. While we were in Anne of Austria’s bedroom, I said “Did the auctioneer call?” When we were in Napoleon’s bedroom I said,” Did the auctioneer call?” When we were in Marie Antoinette’s bedroom I said, “Did the auctioneer call?” Finally finally finally when we were standing at the entry of The Gallery of Diana… We got the call. (“The Diana Gallery, formerly the Queen's Gallery, 200 feet long, built under Henri IV, with decoration recounting the story of the goddess Diana. The gallery was restored under Napoleon I and Louis XVIII, and converted into a library under Napoleon III. The Globe at the entry was made for Napoleon I. “). As I was staring up at the ceiling at the beautiful paintings of angels, I decided that this would be a good time to start praying to them. “Dear Angels, please please please let me win this piece of wallpaper. Please please please.” I kept hearing David say on the phone to the auctioneer, “Oui.” And then there was a pause and then another, “Oui.” And again and again and again. “Oui, oui,oui.” The whole time I remained steadfast in my prayers to the ceiling angels. After about two minutes, it was over. David hung up the phone and looked at me and said, “It’s yours.” Oh my God! It’s mine. Number 21 is mine! David redeemed himself for every single thing he has ever done to make me angry including that restraining order (I threw a lamp at him once. A much-deserved lamp throwing). My David is my hero. He knew how much this meant to me and he made it happen. We probably won’t be able to pay my caregivers or the rent but I now have Louis XVI’s wallpaper! I said a thank you prayer to the angels and decided that this was my lucky room. I decided to ask the angels for one more favor which I’m sure you can guess what that was.


The entire ride home I was grinning ear to ear as we listened to the live auction for the rest of the lots. Guess what? The hat. The hat sold for $2.4 million dollars! Can you believe that? Awesome. But who cares about that hat because I have the wallpaper! To check out an exciting video regarding the auction click HERE. To check out the Napoleon Bonaparte auction lots click HERE. Definitely an exciting day and to top it off I finished my evening with an episode of The Real Housewives of Atlanta. Dichotomy much?

A toute! 
*Something you don’t know about me? I would rather buy a painting than a pair of shoes. I would rather buy a gilt mirror than a handbag. I would rather buy a Jacques Adnet desk than a piece of jewelry. What are your shopping guilty pleasures? If each of you were given $10,000, what would you buy? And don’t say that you would donate it to charity because we all know that’s a lie. What would you buy for yourself? What would make you happy? Furniture makes me happy.


  1. I love your blogs excessively. If it really can only be spent on and by me, I would buy a week in Paris, staying somewhere beautiful, a cockapoodle, and an extremely nice bicycle. Your husband is tres sympathetique xxx

  2. I would buy a first edition book - signed by the author. Again, thank you for taking me with you to an event I would have so loved to have attended myself. Twice touched is my favorite saying about items. Your wallpaper fragment is definitely "twice touched." Barbara.

    P.S. Got your cookbook. I covet your mother's china cabinet. I was literally swooning over all of her dishes. I have a gold vase similar to her coffee service. Would love to have the whole service as she does.

  3. Nuh-uh! You were there! I came into the living room last night just in time to see the silk stockings on the news and started in with a high pitched voice, "Why didn't you call me?!?" (aka kind of yelling) and he said, "I did! Ten times!" Ah punaise and you were there and bought a postage stamp size of history to boot. I know how amazing it is that you were there. And I did see the part on the news how excited the young Korean dude was who bought the hat. Made me sad that it was travelling but at least it will be appreciated.
    Ps. I read this summer that it is on the list of general misconceptions that Napoleon was short as his measurements were given in the old French "feet."
    Pps. Merci à David for being a mensch and for taking lovely photos.
    Ppps (does that even exist?). I really like Fountainbleau and think it is as important to visit as Versailles...

  4. I love everything about this post!

  5. Ellie, you have outdone yourself with this post. What a fabulous event and what a wonderful husband you have. You have such a marvelous personality and your posts are always beautiful, informative and entertaining. Congrats on the wallpaper and enjoy your Thanksgiving dinner at Ralph's.

  6. Hope your 2nd prayer to the Angels comes true!!!

  7. Oh, Ellie, I'm so jealous! What a wonderful experience and what a divine husband. I, too, have a David who merrily accompanies me to fleas, estate sales, art exhibitions, etc. (he flew me to Dallas to see the Matisse exhibit and at another time to see the King Tut wonder). He's a keeper.
    $10,000? Yes, definitely, furniture, but also art and I have a 'thing' for fine blue and white porcelain. So, the ten grand would go really fast!
    Thank you for sharing this epic experience.

  8. I AM CRYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!TEARS are poring down MY FACE!!!!!!!!!YOU have a piece of NAPOLEON's wallpaper..........I would have been as crazy about that as YOU ARE!!!!
    You must tell me will you frame it...put it under glass.......in a silver frame.............I AHVE TO GO BLOW MY NOSE!!!I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS!!!!!!!!WHAT A WEEK>>>>>>>>!!!!!XOXOXO

    1. I made the mashed potatoes last night!!!
      I still am in awe.......YOU have a piece of HIM!!!
      THRILLED for YOU.YOU set your mind on it and look what happened!!!!XOXOXO

  9. You have some of the coolest experiences! $10,000? I would buy some beautiful new furniture. And, I would buy a new washer and dryer because I hate the set I currently have. I'm trying to be thankful for the set I have, but am failing miserably! Honestly, if I didn't have this set, I would have to go to the laundromat {shudder}.

  10. For me it would be a beautiful 18th century or earlier tapestry, maybe Verdure, with all sorts of birds and flowers and animals and trees. Something that would look nice in Hardwick Hall. Don't think I could get it for $10,000 but I could get a little something that would be lovely.

  11. A new kitchen, made from refurbished antique furniture. After 2.5 years in France we are still living with a temporary one....not the worst complaint in the world but I've been dreaming of a beautiful kitchen my whole life :-). Here's to your second wish coming true. <3

  12. Oh, I'm with you on all of your choices. Congratulations on the wall paper--paintings, wall paper, jacques adnet--but above all: the thrill of the hunt and a great auction.
    Have a wonderful week.

  13. Thank God for you Ellie. We all adore you.
    (Battered fish)

  14. A painting and a pair of boots, not necessarily in that order.
    I didn't think I was going to like this piece because I'm not really a Napolean fan. Boy, was I mistaken. Great piece.

  15. Wow, that is a major get! Mazel Tov!
    With $10,000 plus -
    For a major birthday coming up, I have announced to the family that I would like dinner for all at Sammy's Romanian (in the Bowery) followed by breakfast in Paris for all.
    Eating at Sammy's evokes childhood and family celebrations. Schmaltz on challah, anyone? Chopped liver with gribenes! Then, a quick hop to a wonderful palace hotel and then to a cafe for croissant and foie gras. A glass of champagne. C'est Tout!
    The Turkey Day cookbook arrived yesterday. I devoured it immediately. I love the dried out hot dog buns and cornbread stuffing and plan to make that next week. Merci. Fifi

  16. A trip to Paris. First stop, Anne et Valentin for new spectacles, then I catch a taxi to this beautiful bookshop and antique picture frame shop in Passage Jouffroy. I love art too but like to place insignificant works in important frames. It's just a little trick of mine and it often works! The rest of my money would be spent seeing theatre, fine dining, perhaps a lovely coat, Robert Clergerie shoes and beautiful candles.

  17. i. would have. peed. $10,000? i would take my 5 living children and their mates and my 7 grandchildren to disney world. for a week. i would spend every cent of it being in the happiest place on earth and making millions of memories.

  18. Thanks for taking us with you. What an experience. $10K? Easy. Art.

  19. I love furniture, cherish books, adore art but if I had that money, I would take my family on a trip to Europe. We went to Italy 2 years ago and it was a life-changing experience for my son. It also opened my daughters' eyes to the possibilities and the history represented in the larger world. I want to give my children (and my husband and myself) these wonderful experiences (with minor souvenirs) that will enhance and our lives and create memories.

  20. Ok very very cool day indeed! Congratulations! I am with you, I would buy furniture before anything….as a matter of fact, for our 25th anniversary I told my husband I just want to furnish our vacation home really, really nicely. So no European vacation, which was our first thought…plus we have no money left because our daughter is doing a graduate degree at Columbia;)_ps. saying prayers with the angelsxob

  21. I absolutely adore you and your blog! I pray that your second wish comes true �� i woulnput that 10 grand towards a trip to Italy with my boys, and show them the country that all of my passion comes from! Enjoy your Thanksgiving ❤️

  22. I would use the $ to move with my two silly dogs to Paris. With or without the $ we're coming someday soon and then we'll take you to lunch. Promise.

  23. oh my....what would I do with 10 grand?? hmmm...being the total selfish brat that I am....I would spend at least half of it on myself...clothes, shoes, purses. The other half I would spend on a trip somewhere totally different - somewhere exotic ...or I would have put a little money with it and bid on Lot 26. ~ Pam Atk

  24. Wow! What a great day you had. You are fortunate in your husband.

    Congratulations on your new acquisition. Napoleon appears to have collected similar souvenirs to what I gather on trips.

    10K? I would take two trips. One to the French Quarter in New Orleans where I would treat myself to something memorable from Lucullus. For the other, a trip to Italy, specifically Florence.

    Thank you for a wonderful posting.

  25. god, i am so happy i found your blog. you seriously have no idea (or maybe you do?) how inspiring and f-- funny you are... a true writing wizard. i thank our mutual friend for introducing me to your blog. i only wish we'd met when you were in montecito.

    if i were given $10k, i'd buy a new couch (my twins have spoiled ours) and take my 94 year old grandmother on a shopping spree (she still very much cares about what she wears). and something you don't know about me? i have and always will be a francophile (even as a wee girl)... and am nearly positive that i lived in france in a past life. un bisou!

    un bisou

  26. What a fun outing? How a you going to frame your wall paper? I hope you will show us. How do you find out that these amazing auctions are going to take place?
    I think I would use the $10,000 on a trip - probably to Africa (#1 on my bucket list!)

  27. What a wonderful adventure. How are you going to frame your prize? And how do you find out about such an auction?
    I would use all of the $10,000 on a trip, probably to Africa.

  28. 10K ? Bring the Concord back and take you to dinner tonight !

  29. Threatening to stop eating and drinking would not do it for my husband. I think he would tell me I could do with losing a few pounds.
    If I was given a large amount of money I think I would spend it on travel. Although I would love to travel first class just once I know I never will because I can't bear to spend money like that when I could use it for another trip instead...2 rather than just one.

  30. ***wink wink on the 2nd wish, this is SO Exciting…Oh MY! I would be beside myself gurgling stomach and all….another funny tale, love = David redeemed himself, so hilarious, what a day, what a day, next stop! ha ha ha….Ralphies for lunch, I can barely keep up, lol…
    10K…well my list would be like others, fabulous solid furniture, ART, gold, however the truth, I've got stuff, (never go blind though) 10K= move to France even Italy, 2 suitcases, and let a David clone find me there….I would run away to France..rent a high ceiling high ceiling high ceiling nest…start over again….likely wait till winter is done though, hee hee.
    ;-))))))))) XO

  31. I'm with you.... I would spend it on some fantastic antiques!

  32. Congratulations on your auction success! With $10K I would do one of two things, either purchase a round antique dining table with chairs or take a trip on the Orient Express. I might need more than $10K! I've been reading Tabs at Bourbin and Pearls and she just completed a trip on the Orient Express and it sounds fabulous. Susan

  33. If I had 10,000 dollars I would buy antique wallpaper!! You are so smart and have such great taste! I will send you a picture of my antique bit of wallpaper. It did not cost a lot; and it did not belong to Napoleon! But my guess is; you will like it!!!

    Great story! (every chance I get, I make the same wish, for you!)

  34. One of the most interesting posts I've ever read. Holy cr*p. Is it all true, what you write? Of course it is, but see what I mean?

    With 10k? I'd pay for one of my parents' annual Viking River Boat cruises on the Rein, because they so much enjoy it ("we had the time of our lives" is what we hear for a year...), but I think it is ridiculously overpriced. And because they come visit me in D-land before or after their river cruise ;) ! Michelle

  35. "Rhein" I meant. Perhaps I had Wein on my mind, or I drank too much wine.

  36. Bravo to you Ellie, the epitome of Willpower.
    10K = Orient Express w. Poirot on board.; Host a Black and White Ball ala Truman Capote; One Beautiful Piece of Puiforcat Silver. Alex (to Paris)

  37. Hi so nice to "meet" you...love your humor and engaging writing style, very much my speed. Found you via Sandy at You May Be Wandering and Patricia recommended her from PVE, yadda yadda.......love the story. I share your passion when I love something I LOVE something, how amazing to now own a relic of such important historical consequence! Perseverance is a beautiful thing...and I know all about it:) including the "tactics" with the husbands...lol.
    Fun post!

  38. My mother is french had had a relative who was in Napoleon's Army. We have a flute that was played by our relative in that army.
    About me-I'm a 33 year old nurse from the Midwest and came across your blog a few days ago. Since the. Since then, I have managed to read and fall in love with your blog in it's entirety! Yesterday before heading to work in the hospital I was driving to Starbucks. It was still dark outside and saw a set of twinkling COLORED lights. I immediately cringed, then thought of YOU!
    If I had 10k, I'd spend it on redoing my tiny kitchen. It's just me in my small but sweet home, and I know it could be tastefully done.

  39. Dear Sally, I like you. Thank you for being a nurse. I do not know how you do it. Band-Aids scare me and the thought of blood… Oh my God. I am sure your kitchen will be great with your $10,000!

  40. Sweet Ellie,
    I like you too! My last post was a little brief because at some point I lost the cursor and couldn't find it. (I am a natural blonde-siiigh.)So apologies for the short sentences and errors!
    Being a nurse is wonderful--it's my outlet for my over abundance of compassion. Fortunately I have an awesome balance with a close knit family of smart asses and am reminded to not take life too seriously.
    I cheers to your bravery, Ellie. And your amazing sense of humor that you keep in tact. I have caught myself reading your posts and laughing out loud. And the picture of your perfume collection? I'm pretty certain I had a small seizure looking at it. Hermes, Fracas, Chanel, Tom Ford...DROOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL. And your description of Jo Malone--I want to be your snobby best friend.

    Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy your swanky dinner at Ralph's.


  41. What a find! I love an suction when you can go home with your obsession!! I would buy a painting- I saw one at the Telfair art fair, i keep seeing it.....

  42. Too funny! My favorite part was making David stop at Starbucks...the man is a saint!!
    I am a big fan of wallpaper, even though it's apparently not cool, at the moment....I have my clients brainwashed...we use it all the time!
    something you do not know about me....I worked in NYC in the late 70's in the inner sanctum of Brunschwig and Fils....I loved to watch the art department and designers go through the archives, and chose an ancient piece of wallpaper or fabric....recolor it and pop it into the line. I love your new treasure!!

  43. Love your blog! If I had a little extra money I would like de Gournay wall paper for my dining room.

  44. With 10K I would buy up every English copy of Pierre Probst's "The Golden Treasury of Caroline and Her Friends". It was my favorite childhood book. I read it each day to my baby brother and it is his, too. For laughs we email each other links to current sales of the book (the lowest today is priced at $800) because neither of us can afford to buy it for each other. Nothing would make me happier than being the one to read this to each of my grandchildren.

  45. I love you won the No.21
    If I had 10,000 I would go to Paris for a month. It's on my bucket list before I get too sick.... Oh, I know I have time, just like we all think we do until you're diagnosed with something. And then no, you really don't have the time. Well, anyway life is good, but I'd still like to see Paris.
