Merci Beaucoup, Y'all.

Merci beaucoup!

Sometimes you need to let the universe just take its course and everything will work out the way it should. Case in point: My friend Elizabeth organized a plan to ship me a box of birthday cards from readers of my blog. It was so sweet of her to do it and so sweet of all of you to write me birthday cards. However, my birthday was March 23… And no box. I was not worried but Angel Elizabeth was beside herself. She so wanted everything to be delivered on time so I could have a big birthday smile. The box came to France and it went right back to America… Our mailbox only has my married name and she had addressed it to my maiden name.

April went by… No box. During last week’s meltdown, my doorbell rang and guess what? It was a package from America… It was the box of birthday cards. It arrived just in time. It arrived when I needed it to arrive. Nothing makes a girl feel better when she is blue than a big box of beautiful and thoughtful birthday cards. Let me first thank Elizabeth for all of her efforts. Bravo and thank you. I know I am correct in saying that Elizabeth is magical. Secondly, I would like to thank everyone for their cards of well-wishes for my birthday. Thirdly, and obviously most importantly, I would like to thank everyone for their beautiful penmanship. :-)

I also want to thank everyone for all of their kind comments of late on my blog. Thank you for taking the time to cheer me up. Also, thank you to everyone who sent me emails this past week with their personal stories and their much respected advice. I read every email and every comment and I am very appreciative.

I do need to apologize that I cannot respond to every comment or email. Don’t take it personally. I read everything but it is difficult for me to respond to everything. I have to save my voice... to yell at David. :)

I don’t want to sound creepy but I consider you all of my friends even if we have never met in person. I appreciate everyone’s openness, honesty and humor. I feel like we all share a few things in common… A love of design, beauty, food, travel, our families, reality TV, gardens and most importantly I think that we all share a common thread in that we are all human and we have our roses and our thorns and this is what makes us friends. I’m not perfect, you’re not perfect and yet together as a team we get each other through the day with laughter, sometimes tears and a whole bunch of pretty stuff. So, merci beaucoup, my friends.


  1. Bravo Ellie! You are so eloquent. I am new to your blog and am hugely inspired by your courage and authentic voice. You are a role model part excellence of how to live every moment fully. Andrea

  2. So glad the loving wishes arrived when it needed to. You're right, there's an angel lurking in La Cantessa Elizabeth. Now you see the card with the white roses, could you just turn it 180 around o it's right side up please. :-)
    The artist

  3. We're all here for you and we all love you.
    Yours forever,
    Single White Female

  4. I am delighted you have got your mojo back. I love forward to your blog everyday.There are no words that I as a stranger can say that will make your situation better but know that you are loved and admired by many. I wish you and your family well.

  5. You are such an inspiration! Positive thoughts and prayers are always sent your way. Andrea

  6. Oh I'm so glad to hear you think of us as friends. I do too, and thought is it was a little wierd and creepy too. Now that that's settled, I think about you and your family and pray for God's blessings on all of you.

  7. Oh, Darlin', I'm so happy you finally got the birthdays cards! Elizabeth was beside herself when the box was returned. When I read your 'lost mojo' post, I, momentarily, regretted sending such a snarky, profane card. Then, I hoped it would make you laugh - since you are snarky and profane. The sentiments I wrote inside were real and sincere.
    Happy Belated Birthday, beautiful lady!

  8. I love your blog posts, have read them all and wish you the very best.

    You inspire many people who you've never met.

    Warm regards and stay strong xx

  9. How beautiful the cards are all displayed together.............and I was dying to read the article in the magazine but I DIDNOT!SO, I guess it was meant to be....... the box going over the big pond once and coming back to me then heading out again and finding YOU when you really needed the cards the most!!!Almost like MAGIC!!!!!!!!
    You are the MAGICAL one...................look at the INSPIRATION you give and look how many people adore YOU!!!!

  10. I love your spirited writing and your appreciation of beauty. Sending gentle and healing thoughts, Jill

  11. Blessings Blessings Blessings to you and your family. Xoxo . Nancy in Texas

  12. You need us as much as we need you. Friendship, Family, Love. ♡

  13. I have no words of advice, just a deep heartfelt respect for you. You are so strong, funny and human in the face of much. Your family are lucky to have you, and we, your readers so lucky you let us into your life. You are truly an inspiration! X

  14. I am so glad they came! Although I think Elizabeth may be a little disappointed because she thought she may have to deliver them in person! Wouldn't that have been a shame? :) I couldn't send one because my handwriting is so ugly and kind of looks like I'm on crystal meth and tobogganing while writing. I often wonder if I'd be better off with hieroglyphics. Anyway, I'm so glad they came just at the right time and cheered you up.

    1. I have heard that they have invented an emoji keyboard. Perhaps that is the way to go? Although I think that I would pay a pretty penny to see if the description of your handwriting fits up to the one in my head. :)

      And if only you knew how close Elizabeth was to making that delivery!

      All I know that I am so incredibly grateful that they finally arrived exactly when needed. Just yet another proof of how beautiful and surprising life can be...

      Ellie, I love the community that you have created here but we are all here for one reason only...amazing you.

      Sending you so much Love and Strength (and a wee bit of Luck for something in particular),

  15. Beautiful post... just like you dear Ellie.


    1. I'm so happy to read you are feeling better! I was feeling a little down myself this past winter, but as soon as Spring arrived, with the beautiful weather and flowers and trees blooming, it made me feel so good to be alive! I'd recommend that you get out as often as possible and soak up the sunshine and all of natures bounties. Life is beautiful!

  16. Sending continuous love and prayers to you, Gracie, David and your caregivers! xo xo
    I am so glad I found you, creepy friend :)

  17. No....thank you Ellie!! I don't really "know" you but you have become such an inspiration in my life through your posts. I've said it before but once again...I love you!

  18. Oh Dear Ellie I did not send you a card ; however I am so glad your box of love arrived when it did!!

    The Arts by Karena
    Bunnies by Hunt Slonem!

  19. Hi Ellie - Those beautiful wonderful cards in the picture represent so many more of us who also MEANT to participate in the birthday card waterfall to you - but just procrastinated or forgot - and totally missed the deadline to get them to you. Such a nice idea of your friend to set up this little game plan for your birthday. Yet, how perfect that you received them when it was most helpful for you. Oh Ellie, I wish I could meet you in person. (Not just for the trip to France, ha ha!) I've just received a bad health diagnosis recently too - not the same one as yours - but one that's formidable and I feel like you're the guru of all gurus of how to live with such a thing. I hope I can find as much dignity and graciousness yet still retain my humor and love for things and people as you have. Thank you for sharing your honest feelings and thoughts with us.....and seasoning it all with your wonderful sense of humor! Have a great day today. Just know there should have been AT LEAST ONE more birthday card if it weren't for people like me who didn't get one in the mail in time!!!! Happy belated Birthday, Ellie! With love to you.

  20. Yes, we are all connected to each other because of your daring spirit. Thank you. (Because of you I never once stepped into pitty-party over being in the hospital a couple of weeks ago) Now what's up next for the shop? Can't wait to see. I'm still dreaming of the helmet. xoxo Mary

  21. I do not comment often, but I do read (stalk, *ahem*) and am so glad you are past last week's struggle. I so admire your spirit, intelligence, and your never wavering desire to live a wonderful and stylish life in spite of seemingly insurmountable odds at times. Your example to me, though, is as a mother. Your Grace is in college, and my oldest is graduating from high school this year with my baby following shortly behind him. Not for the faint of heart! I love it that you encourage your daughter to pursue her dreams and live her life to the fullest. So, I have chosen to see this next chapter in my life as an opportunity...for more school, travel, and maybe a business of my own. Much love and prayers for you!

    Lori W.

  22. I love your blog Ellie! Happy belated birthday...your birthday is the day before mine. Should have guessed you were an Aries. You bring poise and joy to the world.

  23. So the returned package happened for a reason! You needed those cards last week more than on your actual day. Elizabeth is magical! I'm her friend, too, and her "exercise teacher," she'll say. I got to see the birthday box before it was mailed one last time. It did Piltas before departure to be sure it made it this time.

    1. LOVE did go to PILATES before FEDEX!!!

  24. Yay! So happy mine actually made it. I was late to the party and in my rush to get it to La Contessa on time, I scribbled the message. I was so disappointed in my penmanship (high standards), that I almost (almost) delayed sending it in favor of a redo. But I said to myself, “No, I’m imperfect and I’m enough”. Ellie will feel the love…and it’s not like she will be critiquing my penmanship or anything (hehe). That said, your comment was a WTF moment…followed by a chuckle. XOX. I may have redeemed myself with the envelope.

    P.S. La Contessa, Thank YOU for making it all happen! Where there’s a will, there’s a way…even if the way is long and circuitous ;)

  25. Merci Beaucoup kindred spirit, gentle warrior, and lion's roar ~ xoxo

  26. Happy belated birthday dear Ellie..I've been under the weather the last cpl wks, had thyroid cancer surgery but all is good...hope you had a wonderful mother's day & have a blast with Yolanda! xoxo
