The Fixin's: BBQ Corn Casserole

Today’s recipe comes from my teeny tiny great-grandmother, Hannie. I didn’t really realize it until lately but Hannie was the true definition of a modern woman. Independent, self-sufficient, bold, brave, feminine, reserved, wise and boy, could she cook.

Hannie was my mother’s grandmother, my grandmother’s mother, my great grandmother. She lived to be nearly 100. I saw her almost every day of my life until I was about 13 years old when we moved from Missouri to California. Hannie lived directly across the street from my grandmother. My grandmother had the great big old stone house and Hannie lived at the end of the driveway in her own little cottage. She walked to my grandmother’s fancy house every day in her perfect dress with her perfect shoes, hair perfectly coiffed with her perfect manners… With a beer. I swear to God. Hold on, it gets worse, the beer was always in a beer coozy. Hannie didn’t care, she was her own woman.

My grandparents house circa 1980s. That is Hannie in the front.

Hannie had a story… A story we never spoke of. That’s how my family rolls… We never speak of anything uncolorful or painful. I do though… as evident in this blog. I don’t see the point of keeping secrets, bottling emotions up, hiding skeletons in the closet, pushing stories under the rug. I think the more you hide something, the more obvious it is. Everyone makes mistakes, everyone has disappointments, failures, scars and regrets. It’s called life and that’s how you grow and learn and… evolve. #NoteToFamily.

I think that everyone should praise Hannie for her bravado instead of shaming her. Her big secret? She got a divorce. That’s it! But back then, it was fucking unheard-of. Granted, she did get a divorce from a super bad guy… A bank robber, but who are we to judge. I’ve dated my fair share of psychos. Don’t pretend like you haven’t either. Trust me, my sweet little great-grandmother had no idea she married a bank robber. However, she knew enough to divorce him. This was a huge ordeal and never spoken of. We were all supposed to just pretend that Hannie had always been single and her children were born by immaculate conception.

Never wanting feel sorry for herself, Hannie just went about her business raising her daughters and… Getting a job! Yep, she worked her entire life. She was Beyoncé’s Independent Woman circa 1940s. She never remarried, lived on her own and supported herself. What I love about her also is that she always looked like a million bucks. Every day her hair was done, her manicure done, she always wore a dress and shoes with a little heel. The adorable part and the oxymoron for her bold character was that she was teeny tiny… Under 5 feet tall. I think that makes her legally an elf. The funny part is that this little elf drove a giant town car.

As reliable as a postman, Hannie walked over to my grandmother’s house rain sleet or snow every single day. She sunk herself into the big couch, legs crossed… with her beer. She loved her family and was always there for us. I think the moral to her story is to never feel sorry for yourself, be brave and that independence is a very womanly trait. Hannie lived her life on her terms, put her past behind her and evolved.

All of that, and she could cook! So, in honor of Hannie’s gusto, I present to you her Barbecue Fixin’s Side Dish: Corn Casserole.

The recipe is from my mother so I cannot be held accountable for misspellings, grammatical errors, erroneous punctuation, evidence of dyslexia, and overall confusion. The end result is fabulous, so just accept it.

Here is the recipe brought to you by my mother:

Hannie’s Corn Casserole

This was my Grandmother Hannie's (Ellie’s great-grandmothers) one dish that she always made in the summer for our summer dinners. We didn't go outside to eat like most people did for a BBQ.  My dad did not cook out. We always had dinner in the Dining Room.  No matter what time of year or what occasion. Hannie always made this at her house which was across the street from my Mom's (Ellie’s grandmother.)  So I would go over and watch her make it....

Hannie's Corn Recipe

6 or 7 ears of yellow corn


1/2 and 1/2 cream

1 onion cut up in small pieces

1 green bell pepper cut up in small pieces

bacon  cooked crisp about 7 or 8 slices crumbed

salt and pepper

First take the corn off of the cob. 

Put the corn in a iron skillet or one that is heavy along with about 1/2 stick of butter and a little vegetable oil.   Add the onions, green bell pepper and cook for about 20 minutes.  You want the corn to be soft but not too soft. Just a little bit to it.  Now add about 1/2 cup of the cream.  Cook for about 10 to 15 minutes or until the cream is rich and getting thick.  Creates a little sauce. Add salt and pepper to taste.  At this point it can wait and keep warn until everything else is ready.  When time to serve put  the bacon on top. 

This recipe has not ever been written down.  So you can make it yours by adding or taking away.  Maybe a little more cream...more butter!  It is all up to you and what you like. 

Hope you try it .   Enjoy.... Anne

Voilà! The second installment of our Barbecue Fixin’s Series. Stay tuned for more…

A toute!


  1. How I loved that story about your great-grandmother! She reminds me so much of my Mom, whom I miss terribly. I hope my great-grandchildren remember me in this way, too - definitely something to strive for.

  2. Good for Hannie! Many of us have had to dump a bad guy and even now, some of us faced shaming and shunning from people who should know better. Your Hannie sounds like a force of nature- for good!

    We have a daughter who recently moved to Texas , so we are being introduced to all things Southern. (I did live in Florida for some time, but Florida isn't southern like Texas is southern!) Anywho, had a sinful corn casserole with our last batch of BBQ - good lord, it was amazing. Now that I see your Hannie's recipe, I understand - butter and cream - oy!

  3. Hannie sounds like a rock star! When I grow up I want to be Hannie.....her recipe sounds like an orgasm in a skillet!

  4. I think you're very like Hannie in many ways. She's smiling down on you, for sure!

  5. Now, I am fully aware of the fact that if I start to say "this was one of my favorite of your posts" at every single post then you will just roll your eyes and maybe make a little pssht sound. I get that...but still...come on! How incredibly fabulous. I love everything about Hannie's story (the beer cozy just kills me) but wonder if I would have stayed married to the bank robber...just because in theory, it sounds kind of exciting.

    Bon Weekend, ma puce! The shutters and windows are already closed up and I think that soon it will be time to break out the rosé in the sippy cup. It is that hot...

    Sending Love and Popeye Post-Spinach strength,
    Olive Oyl

  6. Hannie sounds like my dear old Great Aunt (Ethel) Thelly. She married a man that had serious psychological issues. His family did not disclose his issues because they thought if he found a nice young woman and married he would be cured. Needless to say she divorced him and never remarried because of her faith in the Catholic church. She ended up running her family home as a Bed and Breakfast, supported herself, raised a nephew and worked her fingers to the bone. She always wore crisp white blouses and grey flannel pants, skirts or shorts. She was immaculate. I miss her and miss those days.


  7. Hey, Ellie, be careful who you're calling an "elf"! LOL

  8. What a great story. Love Hannie. I am from the Springfield, Missouri area too. I love France and Provence when the lavender fields are in bloom is on my "bucket list."

    1. Oh my God you're from Springfield! We are now instant friends. :-)

  9. That Hannie sure could cook! Here's one that's quick and easy and the nieces and nephews love it.
    2 cups creamed corn (a can is ok)
    2 cups whole corn cooked off the cob (Niblets?!)
    1/2 cup vegetable oil
    2 cups shredded TexMex Cheese (Colby, Jack, cheddar)
    1/2 can jalapeno peppers
    1 8 oz. carton sour cream
    Mix it up and pour it into a baking dish. Put the peppers on top for heat. Bake at 350 for about 50 minutes or until lightly brown on top. Totally yummy and goes great with BBQ.

    1. This sounds delicious! Oh, what I would do for some Tex-Mex cheese. Thanks for the recipe. :-)

  10. Hannie sounds like a woman to emulate, very independent and self sufficient. Plus that corn casserole, wow! Ellie where are you from in Missouri? I'm sure you have said before, I am in the Kansas City area!

    The Arts by Karena
    Jackson Pollock Mural

    1. Hi Karena! I am from Springfield Missouri. I love Kansas City though. Hope you're having a weekend. :-)

  11. Yum! I think we may have to have a bbq and feature your wonderful family recipes!

  12. Just to ADD to our list my Grandmother got a divorce from her husband ......way back in the day in INDIANA!!!The chaise lounge I had in the kitchen was hers............
    I will try your recipe YOU KNOW I WILL!!!!

  13. Elizabeth, we have so much in common. And yes I saw Sharon's blog about me and the bouquet! So sweet of her. I love our little circle of friends. XOXO

  14. This takes me back. I want some; sounds so yummy and fattening; in about another month when the corn is as high as an elephant's eye and the kernels are so plump and juicy it hardly even really needs to be cooked
    We used to have something similar to this but without the bacon. It was just called creamed corn, but it was a different part of Missouri. The one we called corn casserole had cornmeal, eggs, milk, corn, and seasonings and it was baked. They are both delicious!
    These days, I just cut the fresh corn off the cob and sauté it in a little olive oil till it has some browning on it. It' so yummy.
    Thanks for reminding us how good fresh corn is!
    Can you get the really fresh juicy corn in France?
    Sheila in Port Townsend

    1. Dear Sheila,
      And I am very bitter about that. I would seriously give one of my remaining eye teeth (long story) for sweet corn.
      And Tex-Mex cheese.
      Heather in Provence

    2. My french sister-in-law fumes at the mention of corn as part of any meal. In her opinion (representing the entire country of France) corn is something you feed only to animals.

    3. Carmen,
      So French people don't eat corn tortillas, Fritos, corn chips, cornbread, polenta, tamales, grits, (of course not) pozole, (probably not) popcorn, (poor them)....I've got to stop now; this is making me drool.
      Sheila from Port Townsend

  15. I havé visited often enough, yét often left with out Comment, I so enjoy your beautiful openness and secrets Bravo to you for your open out spoken words here that should inspire those,(us) to let go...that whole bottle ing it up will suck the life out of you, and for that matter of fact our family has had its fair share of secrets. I can so relate to what Hannie went through, my grandmother with a bear in her hand and a cigaret in the other hand could also relate.

    I have a great aunt with many of stories a wonderful gripped with polo as a child named Hannah who I named my daughter after, and often the sweet boy my daughter cares for often will call her Hannie, we find it so cute, I found this post cute that you too have a Hannie.
    I was going to name my daughter Ellie after my Grandfather who's name was Elford but was called Ellie for short, a common thread runs through many families, and your story not so uncommon to me can relate to the hidden secrets.

    Loved your boquet Sharon made for you at her French country home, so beautiful, so touching, and beautifully hearted.
    Will visit you soon, I too am an interior designer who designs elevation plans and corrections and full interior design from the floor up on Estate Model Homes red/com
    Took I'll and it has turned my world upside down in my field. So with that being said I admire your brave strength, and your words of wisdom, letting go and living!

    Beautiful read here and has inspired my thoughts for this warm weekend.




    1. The photo was taken in my grandmother's dining room. Hannie was a huge collector of "flow blue." Love it! I also like "flow black." :-)

  17. Saw your beautiful flowers on Sharon's site today with the peas.....sweet ! Yummie on Nannie's corn, I love such memories, so Nanny, (grandmother) was a heck of a cook too from Paw Paw often called her Squaw as she had a lot of Cherokee blood....can't wait to try this, merci xoxo

  18. Our family secret, great grandma married 5 times! Outlive some, divorced a few. My favorite story to tell! And I wear a ring made from all 5 diamonds :) her goal was to have a diamond for each finger. When she was in her 80's she would go dancing several times a week and went on a world cruise. Took my prom dress for one of the captain's dinners. What a women!

    1. Your great grandmother reminds me of Madame Ganna Walska. A very interesting woman. :-)

  19. so sorry to misspell Hannie Ellie ~ I can only think she brought back my fond memories of mine and I spelled it with an N in lieu of a H ~ xoxo Hannie and Nanny ~

  20. Thank you for sharing Hannie's story, and the recipe! She sounds like a lovely person to know.

    I once shared (what I thought was well known in the family) about my maternal grandmother with a younger cousin. Not so great words my uncle shared with her about my telling. Now, that has become a family story. :)

    1. Whoopsi Daisy! Oh well, all's well that ends well, right?

  21. Hi Ellie, Because of you I have decided to have a Texas style or should I say Ellie style BBQ for father's day. You make my day. Love looking forward to your posts esp when I am at work. Your words definitely brighten my day!!
    Wishing you love,prayers and better health... your sense of humor and your gift of words is perfect!!!
    XO XO

  22. This recipe looks wonderful! So simple but so good! Can't wait to try it, especially since corn season is kicking into high gear over here!
    Our family has many "secrets", some known and some died with the older relatives so we can only speculate on what they might have been. My dad was contacted just a few years ago by a woman who said she was his half sister. He was never told my grandfather had another child. As a child, I was very quiet so was ignored quite a bit so I heard alot that I wasn't supposed to when I was playing near the adults. One story I heard was that my grandfather had married but that the woman he married wasn't sane. Apparently, I was the only one still alive who had heard this story. I heard she was put in an asylum and the marriage was annulled. I never heard about a child. Well, this lady wasn't looking for anything from my dad, just wanted to contact him. They began writing and talking and visited each other a few times. We met her and she was really great. They had a very nice relationship until she passed a few months ago.
    Then there is my mom's family. My great great grandmother came to his country with two children, a trunk full of jewels and no husband. They moved to a very small town in our state, but decided it wasn't remote enough, so moved to the country. She donated so much money to build a church that they named the town after her. The "family secret" was supposed written down in the family bible but it was in German. So my uncle decided to learn German so he could read it. When my great aunt learned this, she burned the family bible so no one would ever find out.
    Lots more juicy secrets in the family. I'm sure every one has them!
    Thank you for sharing your stories!
    Allyson in Louisiana
