And Then There Were Four...

November is always a difficult month for me. It’s the month that I got ALS. If you want the boring details, read my November blog posting from last year HERE. This November will be the start of my 6th year with ALS. I have been sick for five years. Five freaking years. Can you imagine! I still can’t even believe it.

Not to be all dramatic but it has been a difficult five years. On every level. With ALS, nothing happens suddenly, it is a slow demise so you don't really know how to wrap your head around it. Sometimes I look back and think about the year 2011 with nostalgia and think, "Oh, the good old days when I only had a walker." Sometimes I look back and think about the year 2012 with nostalgia and think, "Oh, the good old days when I could use my arms (but not my legs)." Sometimes I look back and think about the year 2013 with nostalgia and think, "Oh, the good old days when I could go outside without a breathing machine."

Then there are the days when I look back with fear and remember when my lungs collapsed during my diaphragm Pacer surgery.freaky years Then there are days when I look back with fear and remember when my feeding tube exploded. There are days when I look back with fear and remember last Christmas when I had a respiratory illness and literally could not breathe. There are days when I look back with fear and remember such sadness that I could literally feel my heart bursting with despair.

ALS is ugly. It’s so ugly that you almost cannot give it energy because the human being is not equipped to handle what is coming at you. No matter how much faith you have there is nothing that can take away the ugliness.

There are two people that know what I’m talking about. My husband, David, and my daughter, Grace. No one else knows. Not anyone else in my family or any of my friends. My two best friends, Jenny and Yolanda, kind of know but not really because I don’t want to scare them. David, Gracie and I have been in the trenches together through this. We don’t really let anyone else in. We don’t because we have been let down by friends and family before and we have learned our lesson. It’s best if we just keep this between the three of us. I share with all of you but only about 10%. Not to be rude, but y’all couldn’t handle it. So, it’s been the David, Grace and Ellie show… Until now.

Meet Teddy.


We decided that Teddy could join our gang. Teddy already had a hard knock life so we felt like he was seasoned enough.

But let me back up…

Normally, because I am a fucking snob and horrible person, I only buy dogs from breeders. But something told me to go to the rescue center this time to find a dog. My friend Heather told me about a no kill shelter in Provence named S.P.A. Refuge de Baux de Provence that had loads of dogs that needed homes. So off we went. David, Gracie and I and my caregiver, Wilson, started our adventure to the rescue center. Gracie was so excited and was practically skipping through the parking lot to go find her new dog. She wanted all of them. Truth be told, I did not want all of them because I am mostly afraid of dogs. I was worried that I wouldn’t find a dog that understood me. This dog was coming to a girl who was broken. I can’t hug a dog, I can’t throw a dog a ball, I can’t feed a dog and worse, the dog cannot hug me because I am too delicate. I needed to find a dog that understood this which was probably impossible.

We started our journey down the aisles, dog after dog after dog. My caregiver was pushing me in my wheelchair. The dogs were terrified of me, my wheelchair and my breathing machine. They were probably thinking, “What kind of monster is this.” Their only recourse was to bark and bark and bark and bark. They were going crazy. I was getting scared… Until. Way up on the top of the rescue center, near the end, I passed by a large kennel and the dog in the kennel looked at me. He didn’t bark once. He looked into my eyes and followed my wheelchair along the entire length of his kennel just looking at me not making a peep. I looked this dog in the eyes and said to myself, “You know me.” I honestly just felt that this dog and I had known each other before. We were already friends and he already knew everything about me. I didn’t have to explain anything.

Gracie and David knew he was the one as well. There was no question. This dog had a bit of a history. Like me. He was born on my birthday month in 2011, three months before I was diagnosed with ALS. He was brought to the shelter when he was three weeks old and had never left. I thought to myself, “This guy has had it rough, just like me.”

We adopted him immediately. He had another name but Gracie decided that he looked like a giant teddy bear so we named him Teddy. He took to his name immediately and left his past at the shelter. He loves us and we love him. To prove our love we gave him a McDonald’s cheeseburger and let him sleep on the bed. He sleeps in the sunshine during the day and sleeps by the fireplace during the night.


Teddy knows not to jump on me and that he needs to be gentle towards me. He does. Teddy needs to know that I cannot pet him, but I love him. He does. Teddy told us that he understands us and understands that it might not always be roses around here. He said he is up for the job and ready to join the circus. I believe him So now we are four.


  1. Lucky Teddy, Lucky you!

  2. Such a beautiful story written by a beautiful soulfull woman.

  3. I say, "God bless Teddy"...and He has. Teddy found his family and his purpose...

    XOXO / Nancy

  4. I love so glad you all found each other...the love of a dog is one of the sorry friends & family have let you down...I had cancer surgery last April & people are so weird about they're gonna catch it....just ask if you want to know...sheesh I wish I cld be there to hold your hand....I think this will be a great thanksgiving for the four of you!♡♡


  5. Thank you for rescuing such a sweet animal. Sometimes dogs bring comfort like nothing else does. I sincerely wish your family many happy hours with Teddy.

  6. Oh my goodness! I love him! What a doll baby, I am so happy for your family. Love always wins, always. xx p.s. your daughter is stunningly beautiful! If I were her I would not be able to leave your gorgeous home (love what you've done so far from these photos), you or precious Teddy. He has brought sunshine to you and you to him! Love me some rescue dogs!! Valorie

  7. Dear Ellie, I am so very happy for you, Gracie, David and Teddy. I believe a dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself. Teddy is beautiful and I love the picture of Gracie and Teddy.

  8. My old dog Gracie (sadly no longer with us) never let my mothers wheelchair out of sight. She would follow the chair around the garden and around the house. I remember the first time Gracie saw my mum in a wheelchair. She was saddened by this, I could tell.

    Teddy looks like a fine boy, ready to get stuck in with the family no matter what. And doesn't he look lovely on your chaise?

  9. Beautiful... I'm so glad you found each other. Thank you for rescuing that fur baby. He was just waiting on you to arrive... xo

  10. !!!!!!
    Heather, thank you thank you thank you. What a beautiful gift you've given Ellie. Rescuing an animal is such a feeling of empowerment and fulfillment and absolute euphoria--and because of you she got that gust of wind in her sails (Ellie is a windjammer so she has more than one sail, obviously).
    I adopted a dog in 2013, Barbie, and it was a radical change of heart that I swung from breeder to rescue. I'm still not opposed to responsible breeders but will personally always have rescues. Barbie went from being kept in a cage with six other puppies in a barn (in Ohio during the winter) to her own memory foam mattress in the span of a week. She has been the greatest dog. I attribute this to 1) my smothering and controlling personality that makes me the perfect dog owner and 2) I believe she is immensely grateful to me. I swear I can see it in her eyes.
    Actually I had decided I wasn't going to get a dog. Then I needed a replacement part for a pella window and my browser autocompleted pe-to petfinder. So I went ahead and looked, and there was Barbie.
    Teddy is so sweet and I totally believe that you've met before. You were his miracle and now he can be yours. Okay I'm going to blowdry the tears and get back to my busy life of day drinking and skimming my turkey stock.

    1. I also believe Ellie and Teddy have been together before. Same with my cat who was starving when she came to me, but is now fattened up and beautiful. She follows me everywhere and is on my lap right now.

      Love the pictures of Teddy and love the story.

    2. Teddy has amazing eyes and he clearly loves his new family.

  11. Weeping . He waited four years to find you . God bless this dog and you ! Love always , A

  12. Ellie, such a sweet, sad, endearing post. Gracie and Teddy together melt me down to a puddle! You, our dear Ellie, and your "Tribe of four" are totally "awesome with a side of awesome sauce." Your friend, REDEMA

  13. This particular kind of love between you and Teddy is so private and beautiful, no one can truly understand how that affects your life either. I am so very happy that you found each other...again.

  14. I can't believe no one snapped him up a long time ago. It was meant to be. That face melts your heart. I stopped trying to figure people out a long time ago. Peace to you, your family and Teddy.

  15. I don't know what to say I'm so teary over this and so happy for you three- who are now four! Ellie I love your writing, I could just see you passing by Teddy and making your connection, knowing in those moments that he was your dog and knew you already.
    What a life he will have now, he seems up for anything and will be fiercely loyal. XO

  16. And there you have it. That thing between a dog and his/her human. There is no way of explaining. It is just there. And I am so happy for you you found your dog,the one and only dog for you.
    Teddy looks lovely, sweet and wise. He will comfort you, just by being there. This was meant to be.
    P.S. Rescue dogs are wise, they have been through a thing or two (or three or four), we have a rescue dog too, adopted him from Spain, where he was found wandering the streets. We can only guess what he has been through. We love him to bits.

  17. Love it! So happy for the four of you! Sending you lots of love and warmth from Miami where it's still very hot.

  18. What a touching and heartfelt post. As we know, there are no coincidences and Teddy was right where he was supposed to be to be rescued by his perfect family. I honestly do believe that your and Teddy's paths have crossed before and now he's back again just when you need him most. What a blessing.

  19. I need to stop bawling my eyes out. Dogs are the best especially rescues. I see he is spoiled already and has found his spot on the chaise lounge! Have fun and congratulations on your new family member. This just made my day!

  20. Our animal companions adopt us...I have always felt that they chose me.

    Happy for you.


  21. The best post ever!!! Teddy is so sweet, tears are springing to my eyes. I love ''scruffy'' looking dogs, he looks like a cross between a Basset Hound and an Irish Wolfhound (love love love). What a story too. Dogs just ''know'' but some are very very extra special indeed. He's in the inner circle now! ....And he matches your floors.... Ha!! So happy for you all. B. xxoo

  22. Ellie I can see just by looking at Teddy that he is already a family member. He needs you and you need him!! Wonderful!

    The Arts by Karena
    The Blink of an Eye

    1. A beautiful dog. There's such sadness in his eyes. This is a dog that understands sadness and pain. In the heart of your family he will find - and give - much comfort and love. Best wishes, Pammie

  23. Something you don't know about me? Dog stories get me every single time! Here come the tears. I have shed tears before while reading your blog posts, so this isn't the first time to cry. I have been dog-less for about a year...the longest I think I have ever been without a dog in the house. I get my doggie fix with a couple of Border Collies who live on our little place outside of town. Lately, I have been thinking it is time for another house dog to live with me. The other evening, two gorgeous boxers showed up at my front door and marched themselves right on inside. The fawn boxer made herself at home on my white sofa and snuggled up to a nice lap that had already claimed sitting rights. I posted pictures on FB and it wasn't very long before their frantic mother showed up with leashes. Up to that point, I was busy plotting sleeping priviledges for them and for me! Now I think a boxer would fit into my life very well. By the way, my dog, Tilly, was very much like SAJ's Barbie.

  24. I am crying tears of joy! Teddy saw the lovely lady in the strange chair and machinery and just knew you would be his savior, and he wanted to be your prince, your own knight in shining armor. I recently read/heard someone say: 'dogs love you through their eyes", and it would be easy for Teddy to have fallen in love with your eyes.
    My rescue dog, Charlie, was also the only one in the shelter that did not bark at me, in fact, I was beginning to think he was mute until he suddenly barked three weeks later (scared the shit out of me!) and he hasn't stopped since.. But, he loves me unconditionally even though I am not the one he 'plays' with or walks him frequently. he sleeps next to me every night.
    I am so happy for the four of you!

  25. There can be something very special about rescue dogs. We have rescued several Cavalier Spaniels. They are the sweetest, most loving little dogs so how could someone abuse them? One of the dogs had came from a family who divorced. Cavaliers almost never growl or snarl yet this one snarled and cowered away from adults. We almost did not take him. However, as we were leaving he walked over and licked our 9 year old son's hand as if to say, "please don't leave me." So, we took him. It took about a week of love and kindness to show him that no one was going to yell in our house. At first, he did not even wag his tail so we had to wag it for him. After about a month he finally wagged it on his own. He crossed the "Rainbow Bridge" about 20 years but still holds a place in our hearts.

    When Gracie is back in school and David is at work your Teddy will quietly cuddle at your feet or sit by your side. Guardian Angles can come in unexpected forms.

    By they way, I some interesting furniture in the photos of Gracie and Teddyl Looking forward to hearing more about your decorating progress.

    Smiles from Charlotte Des Fleurs

  26. I am so happy for you sweet girl. Besos

  27. It's obvious love when you permit Teddy on your chaise! And look how beautifully you already have your house set up?

    We're still rooting for you, praying for you through the unspoken, unspeakable ugliness of ALS. You've gotta make it through another pretty Christmas tree year (or please, dear God, more)!

  28. Oh my! Teddy on the chaise! Good taste. Lucky Teddy. Lucky family of four. Susan, NYC

  29. Home sweet home for Teddy. How no one adopted this gentle soul all that time a mystery to me. Hugs to you both!

  30. That dog made me cry.

    I once was a registered nurse and had a family member with ALS. I understand the other 90% - you're amazing and so are your family.

    Congrats on the addition.


  31. I am crying...I love you. He loves you and was needed by someone and that is enough in this world. xxxxxx

  32. Beautiful post. The photos of Grace and Teddy are precious in so many ways. Clearly, this dog was destined to be a part of your family.
    I have had pure bred English labs for years, and loved them all. However, when I finally decided to adopt a lab/mix rescue, it gave a whole new meaning to everything. They express such loyalty and appreciation, it makes you know you did the right thing and are making a difference.
    So happy for you and your family with this wonderful addition!

  33. is anyone else reading this with tears streaming down their face? Luff it that you chose a rescue dog. x

    1. Yes FF - tears and this blog go hand in hand with me.
      Cindy F

    2. Yes. Glad you all have each other. Den xxx

  34. Thank you for giving this to us. My shelter adoptee, Maggie Jo, loves my tribe, and we love her. She acts like she is greatful. Knows that life as our family member is a privilege and is so greatful and happy that we are her's and she is ours.
    The first week we had her, we went camping (real camping, not glamping) and she fought off a big old raccoon as I was cooking breakfast. Protected her new family.
    my pets have been friends to me and have helped me in so many ways.

  35. Oh! And my granddog's name is Teddy. He is a miniature teddy bear and it's an adorable dog name.
    Your teddy is going to be a great companion to you all.

  36. I'm so happy Teddy picked you! There's nothing like a dog's love. Such a blessing.

  37. Thank you for making me cry!!! Dammit!! There is NOTHING as wonderful as a dog ( well, MAYBE a grandchild before they get pissy ) ...and it looks like you and Teddy are soul mates!! I am so very happy you, your family and Teddy have found each other! And what a lure to get Gracie to continually make the trek to Provence! You and David are sly dogs yourselves!!!

  38. No one adores quite like a sweet natured dog. I am so glad you found each other. I look at your blog on my phone, so the fourth photo down of Teddy and Gracie or the seventh one down would be beautiful framed, don't you think? I am so sorry your ALS is so horrible. Big hugs to all of you.

  39. I love Teddy. You gave him life,love and a family..Grace has your beautiful hands. I hope, wish and pray you have healing, heath and peace.

  40. From four years in a cage to your antique chaise. Thank goodness you found each other.

  41. A beautiful Dog for a beautiful family!

  42. The four musketeers! I cried when I read your blog. Bless you all!

  43. I love Teddy! He looks like a gorgeous soul and fancy the poor darling being in that shelter from three weeks old. I could cry (I nearly am already) I feel so happy for you all. Dogs KNOW things and definitely ‘read’ us. He has come to a lovely family. Hugs to Teddy and love to you all. Kathy from Australia.

  44. Of course I am crying like a baby...and I know this story already!! But seeing these photos...the love and gratitude in his eyes is so palpable, so strong. My favorite photo is when Gracie is pointing to try and get him to look at the camera and he just wants to give her a bisou instead. Clearly, he is an incredibly special dog.

    And for Ellie's friends and readers here? The evening when they brought Teddy home, I texted my friend Camille who is one of the amazing volunteers at the shelter. She wrote back immediately and was overjoyed that he had gone to such a loving home, especially as he was "the sweetest, best dog in the shelter." So how was it that he wasn't adopted sooner?

    I just realized that we must have walked right past him when we adopted our Kipling there two and a half years ago. Isn't that something? As many people have said already, he was waiting for his forever family to come and find him. And they did.

    Sending much love to you, David, Gracie...and Teddy,

  45. PS. I forgot to say just how beautiful Teddy is too. I think he has part Griffon in him and those are some seriously loyal dogs. But the trust that he has in you all from the get go? *tearing up again*

  46. This makes me so happy for you and your family, and for Teddy. Teddy is beautiful and is so deserving of your lovely family. You did such a wonderful thing adopting him (or maybe he adopted you)! Teddy will bring so much happiness and unconditional live to you all.
    By the way, your daughter is gorgeous, like her mom! Enjoy your beautiful Teddy!
    Much love, Simone

  47. That photo of him on the chaise says it all. Thank goodness you rescued a pup! I am so happy happy happy to hear your friend gave you a good shelter tip and you went (!) and found a lovely dog. Congratulations! No surprise that Teddy intuitively knows what he's in for and I suspect life with you, David, and Grace will be a DELIGHT for Mr. Teddy, a bonus he waited for his entire life, and which came at the right time for all -- that's how it goes with rescues. It may take some patience -- after 1 year, we're still gaining our rescue's trust and showing him that normal living noise such as a cabinet door closing doesn't mean take cover/run for your life.

    Teddy's disposition seems to suit your family's environment, which is visible in the photos you posted and the way you describe him. And can I add without causing offense to anyone that I hope you continue to 'rescue' your dogs in the future rather than buying from breeders, mostly because It's just where we are today in this world with loads of good pups who need homes.

    Enjoy life with Teddy!!!

  48. Teddy will be your 'bestie' friend. He looks like a sweetie. And by the way, Gracie is just BEAUTIFUL! Love to all.

  49. So lovely - the eyes tell the whole story between you two! Very happy for you both!

  50. Ellie, I always cry when it comes to sad and happy dog stories. I can't wait to meet Teddy.

  51. Ellie Ellie da man!


  52. Teddy has the eyes of a very noble dog, I can see love and faithfulness in those eyes. Congratulations New Mom. I believe he does understand all. Blessings. Mary

  53. Teddy was a great find, he will give you so much more than he asks in return. I have 3 rescue dogs and cannot imagine not having at least one dog. Bravo.

  54. I'm afraid anything I have to say pales in comparison to this story. I am so happy for you all with your new precious boy. Welcome, beautiful Teddy! You have brought me to happy tears.

  55. Yes, count me in on the tears! Hooray to my amazing sister Heather for recommending this place to you where you could find your soulmate doggy! Dogs give you SO. MUCH. LOVE. I have two, both rescues, and the love they give me is unlike anything else. Happy for Teddy to have escaped the shelter after 4 (!!!!) years, and so happy for you, your husband and daughter to experience the healing balm of a dog. Congratulations!

  56. What a beautiful and sweet love story! Also, I love the beautiful floors in your home and the awesome French pastry table.

  57. My eyes are moist. Teddy is a wonderful dog -- he is personality and old soul from the tip of his nose to the tip of his tail. I am happy that Teddy adopted you and your family. We lost our dog, age 17, and our cat, age 11, two months apart. For a while, we were petless. I was adamant that we would eventually get a female, short haired kitten. Then my sister, who is the office manager at a vets, told me about a cat whose owner had died -- he had lived at the vets almost a year waiting. She insisted I meet him, so finally to stop the nagging I went. And Leo immediately adopted me -- a male, 4 or 5 years old, long pale hair (he's a golden siamese). So Leo came home with me. When my husband came home, Leo adopted him as well becoming his immediate buddy. Once a day, Leo makes mad dashes up and down our stairs. The rest of the day, he moves from one spot of sunshine to the next and naps. At night, he sleeps at the end of our bed, keeping our feet warm. A pet transforms a home. I think Leo and Teddy would be friends if they met -- I think they both have been lonely and are not too demanding -- they are happy to have "people" to own. Thanks for sharing Teddy with us -- he definitely belongs with you.

  58. The love of a dog is an amazing gift....restorative, life-giving and happiness inducing. I'm so happy for all four of you.
    Thank you for brightening my day with this wonderful news!

  59. There is no greater gift than to be rescued by a shelter dog. ;) God bless all of you!

  60. This is so beautiful. Teared up reading this. And just loving the pictures with Gracie. She is stunning.

  61. Test-can't seem to get a comment to go through....

  62. This is one of those situations that one cannot explain. It was meant to be. Meant to be is a rare and special connection. He will be the bridge in your lives. The strong one.

  63. As if we haven't poured enough tears for stories from France this last while but, this time, tears of joy for someone...for all of you. ALL FOUR OF YOU. What a sweet name, Teddy, and the look in that boy's eyes tell the ''tail''. I understand your disillusionment with people in life, but i have never felt that with any of my canine and feline friends. They have only given me pure pleasure and i wish you Ellie, and Gracie and David, all the happiness, love and wonderment that can come from this ''meant to be'' family that you have created and BON COURAGE with everything else in life. I think this boy will add a new dimension of love that will fill your heart everyday with joy. And thank you for your generosity of spirit that always fills all of our hearts in sharing your life and times with us.

  64. Wow. Teddy is pure love :)


  65. I'm so happy for all of you to have found each other! Teddy is a gorgeous companion and looks so sweet and loving in the photos.
    But did I miss something? Where's your beautiful cat?

  66. Tears of joy filled my eyes when I saw Teddy gazing up at Gracie-such love and devotion. He knows he is home. Lucky boy, and bless you for rescuing such a sweet soul. Love you all! Happy Thanksgiving!

  67. Wonderful post. I've read it two times, and I plan to read it again. Yep, you're in a wheelchair and as you have pointed out, you can't do a lot of things that you used to be able to do. But you can still give big time love and Teddy knows that. Happy Thanksgiving to the Four of You!

  68. Beautiful dog for our beautiful Ellie. It's always a great feeling to rescue someone and in many ways they rescue us too!
    How is Frances adjusting?

  69. I understand on so many levels. My daughter, Haley, had Spinal Muscular Atrophy, Type 1, which has similarities to ALS. We were always amazed at how animals reacted to her from dogs to horses- maybe not the goats that nipped at her fingers or the rabbit that peed on her :)! What a special joy you have found amidst all the struggles.

  70. Your pictures captures the love in his eyes when looking at Gracie. God Bless you for opening your heart to rescue Teddy and God Bless Teddy for his love and understanding of you. Such a sweet story.

  71. OH Ellie I am so happy for you! This is a beautiful event and I thank Heather for suggesting the shelter to you all. Teddy is one very lucky dog. Dogs are such loving pets....they give unconditional love and Teddys personality is perfect.

  72. So very thrilled for you and your family and for Teddy! What a beautiful boy and so deserving the good life which he now has. Can't imagine how he languished so long in the shelter- welcome home! I just rescued a small dog I named Rosie and she is my new cuddle baby. We lost our Rottweiler a year ago - she was from a breeder and was a GREAT DOG- but the rescues are always so grateful- I can see it in her eyes as she rushes over to thank me after feeding her, licking her chops and wagging her tail. You need Teddy and he needs you- what a perfect match. God bless you.

  73. I love you and your family ..and now beautiful Teddy. I can't tell you how your words move me, inspire me and give me strength in my own life. I wish I could do something for you and your family. Just letting you know that you are adding beauty, love , kindness and kick-ass wit to all that know you and for those that only know you through your amazing blog. I send you love every single day.

  74. Clearly your actions are supported by Cosmic Intelligence. The "something" that told you to go to the rescue center knew your deepest desires. I’m always surprised by the dichotomy of this world…just when you think things can’t get any uglier, beauty appears on your doorstep. I'm so happy for all four of you! I believe Teddy knows you, and on a soul level, I believe he knows he now has a BIG extended FAN CLUB - XOXO

    p.s. The photos of Teddy and Gracie are like a study in neutrals...his fur, her highlights - Lovely!

  75. He's wonderful! I love him.

  76. A beautiful addition to your family...a heart dog! There is a true beauty in sharing love with an animal in need...they give far more than they ever take. Bless you all!

  77. You find the love love that surrounds you every single day and share it with us. Thank you.

  78. Congratulations on your new family member, Teddy! A match made in heaven. His big brown eyes gazing at Gracie says it all. He is happy in his forever home. Clearly, he found his comfy chaise. So adorable. Susan

  79. That was a beautiful post, Ellie! Thank you for sharing.

  80. Lucky Teddy and Lucky You! Teddy is beautiful! Congratulations!

  81. Teddy is a beautiful, noble creature who has now found his forever home. I am so happy for all of you. We have two dogs whom we rescued and who rescued us. Henry, a strong and gentle Golden Retriever, has Teddy's eyes and many of his other features. Bob is an exploring long-haired dachshund. Both of them give and give to us and bring out the best in us (including our giving and giving to each of them). They are the linchpins of our family and our lives together. It sounds like you four are on your way to discovering the same happiness together.

  82. MY CORGI was named TEDDY by the BREEDER...........but it did not suit him .He is now WINSTON!YOUR TEDDY is GORGEOUS.........I CAN tell from the photos!I cannot believe he has been at the Kennel for 3 years!LUCKY HIM LUCKY YOU THREE!You are complete now.............
    Reading your memories here makes me SO SAD.................
    GRACIE is GORGEOUS...............but you know that!

  83. This is so moving and you write it so exquisitely. I think you and Teddy are soulmates. Blessings.

  84. You need each other; you found each other. Perfect.

  85. Congratulations Ellie, he looks amazing and after 4 years in a shelter he is one lucky dog to be with you David and Gracie. I love the photos - Gracie is so very pretty, just like her mum. Best wishes to you all. PS I love the paisley throw rug on the chair... Cheers Ann

    1. I'm crying like a baby because I understand the soulful eye connection, and until someone has experienced it, someone who hasn't, may think you've lost your mind. It is such a beautiful connection and you've done a great job explaining it. You will be able to tell Teddy things you would never say to anyone else; he is your confidante, and he will never betray you. I'm so happy you found Teddy. Those photos of Gracie and Teddy are priceless. Love to all four of you.

  86. Love this post. He is just a gorgeous old soul! The photo of Gracie - stunning. She is beautiful. I hope he brings you and the family much joy.

  87. Lucky Teddy, lucky you-- he looks like a real sweetie. We think we save them, but they end up saving us right back.

  88. Ellie, thank you for introducing us to Teddy. He's lovely and has great taste - choosing you and your chaise lounge (beautiful). Wishing you, David and Gracie a wonderful Thanksgiving week.

  89. Merci Beaucoup, Gracie has the sweetest eyes, so adorable. And that Teddy is hilarious sitting in the car ~
    Off to Dallas, might find a "bunny" over there at the King Ranch ~ XOXO

  90. This is why you were destined to live in Provence - to find Teddy. I can't believe he spent four years in a shelter! How can anyone look at that face and not love him with all their heart and soul. It is clear that he loves Gracie; she is beautiful. He will be such wonderful company for you. Best wishes for a wonderful Thanksgiving to everyone.

  91. He is so precious..... and does look like a Teddy!!! I can tell you that, my two Goldens, Rambo and Rocky have been the best treatment for grief that I have had in the last three years. They do "know" whatever it is to "know" . I am so happy for you that you all found Teddy and Teddy found you. That is a circus worth joining. Congratulations of four!!! I hope he likes turkey and dressing!!
    Wishing you a beautiful Thanksgiving in your new home and with your new addition... and David and Gracie!!! <3


  92. Dear Ellie,

    TEDDIE, TEDDIE, what a gift from God . Four years in a dog’s home , my heart breaks with happiness thinking of him lying any here he wants . The look of love on Gracie’s face , i must stop as I can hardly see to write because of the tears .

    Five years ago Our daughter passed away at the age of 42, without any warning. The love of her life, more than that for her husband or father , was Fizz a chocolate Lab. Becca discovered Fizz had very weak legs when he was only a few months old.. She kept the pool as warm as a cup of tea for him, acupuncture, massage, hydrotherapy , Fizziotherapy, organic food delivered fresh for him. . She lived in Beverly Hills so this was all at hand of course. "not many people know” they used to French Kiss. Becca and Fizz . A friend who is a dog lover said, there is no turning back.

    Barry my husband , Becca’s father and I now sneak Fizz into our apartment as often as we can. (Not allowed to have dogs) Can you imagine . We have him for the Holidays and weekends. He is with us now, sleeps in the bed or any where else he cares to.

    Having Fizz is the closet thing we can have to having Becca back with us. We know she is with us, smiling and clapping her hands. When we take him to visit Becca at Forever Hollywood, (No dogs allowed) He is as good as gold . Just lies there peacefully while Barry waters her garden and I clean the stone with organic tile cleaner. Becca would have nothing in the house that was not organic, no chasing of the swans or the ducks or jumping into the lake, which he would normally do. He is at home .

    I forward “ Have some decorum” (great title) to my sister Audie in London, my decorating partner Annie in L A and sometimes to Barry. “not many people know” Barry won an Oscar for producing the Deer Hunter. You would have been too young to see it but certainly worth Netflixing.

    You would love Barry Ellie, after 37years of being married he still pulls out my chair at the table and opens the car door, He is tall handsome and I love him more every second. Any way I am digressing, Barry was so moved by your TEDDIE and other stories he feels they would make a wonderful book. Just as they are , there will be tears and laughter and wonderment and Joy and recipes of your mother’s and the anecdotes . So please if you haven’t already done so , WRITE the book on Have Some Decorum.

    My love to you, David Gracie and of course TEDDIE, HAVE A GLORIOUS THANKS GIVING , CHRISTMAS AND A TRIUMPHANT 2016.


    P.S Did you work at Ralph Lauren in Beverly Hills while Hal Lauderman was there ? If so we may have met. I was asked to host the evening event , a 25% sale fund for Pancreatic Cancer which is what took Hal.. The most elegant man . I used to decorate rooms around what he was wearing.

    A lawyer”s office in Grey flannel chalk stripe armchair his trousers, a crocodile leather, Faux (Becca would never speak to me if I had used real ) desk , his watch strap. i could go on and on.

    Thank you for enriching our lives.

    PPS I have sent you a photo of Becca and Fizz.

  93. Corny as it sounds, I actually thanked the universe yesterday for bringing dogs into our lives and then today I read your achingly beautiful story. Upon reading it, and looking at the photos, I was actually emitting little empathetic groans as I can't imagine how fabulously happy Teddy and your family must be. Teddy looks like he is accepting everything with quiet dignity and it does make me cry to think of that poor boy ignored in the rescue for so many years. Thank you for giving him a beautiful home Elile, David and Grace, he will not disappoint you! Ellie, should you have a moment I'd love if you would check out the site 'sallymuiradogaday.' She is in the UK and does stunning, but simple, dog portraits. I think Teddy looks like he's worthy of it :)

  94. Years ago when my children were younger, they begged us daily for a dog. We came up with a series of excuses and continued to "put them off". (Life was quite hectic with kids in 7th, 5th and 4th grades.) Then one summer, after many questions, doctor visits and tests, our youngest child was diagnosed with Crohn's disease. She was so very sick, needing a feeding tube and lots of medication. It was a difficult time for all of us. One day my husband called from his office to say that a coworker had a Lab / Border Collie mixed puppy, the last one from the litter, free to a good home. At first I thought he was crazy - Really? Now? But he suggested and I agreed - Our little family needed the happiness that only a dog could bring!!! Thirteen years have gone by - We still have our beloved Maggie Mae. This sweet dog has given us more love, loyalty and companionship that we could have ever imagined.
    I think you all are so lucky to have found Teddy and he is lucky right back!!!
    Wishing you and your family a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  95. What a lucky dog. I'm sure you will be a blessing to him (and he to you.) I got our dog (a pure bread: because snob and horrible person) when I was healing after trauma. She has been such a gift even though she is a brat who regularly destroys my furniture.

    I am so sorry to hear about your ALS. Life is just shitty sometimes and horrible things happen to excellent people. I'll have a lot of angry words for whoever is in charge of running this corporeal circus, but will thank him (could not possibly be a her) for the dogs, for Fortuny silk, for chocolate almonds, and for people like you who make things brighter with your words.

  96. Okay. I had to stop reading because I was sobbing! Yes.
    I honestly believe you did know Teddy. Think back. Lucky for all of you.
    Rescue dogs are grateful; that is a fact! And he and Gracie are quite something together. You all needed Teddy.

    He is a gift. And you appreciate every gift there is!! Way more than anyone else I know!!



  97. How lovely to have Teddy in your family now. I rescue dogs here in California. The neglected ones and then find them wonderful forever homes. My kindred spirit, my sister Drew had ALS, do I do understand a bit. It is beyond horrible. I fight everyday for the FDA to get it together-such heartless asses! I also sent money to ALS-TDI-for research, I'm glad you are still here. I care❤️

  98. Don't we love Richie, too? God bless you , Richie! I also send money to ALS-TDI! Is that right, Ellie!? We need them to hurry up!!!
    It sounds ridiculous!
    That dog has the sweetest most loving face.........and you can tell how he loves your Gracie.....and I am sure he looked at you the same way! LOVE IS WONDERFUL!!!!!

  99. Oh Ellie! You did it again! It's incredible how many of us really love you and care for you and hung from your every word. God bless you and your family and that beautiful Teddy of yours. I love you.

  100. This post nearly made me cry. Nothing like the unconditional love from a dog <3 Happy for you & your family & Teddy!!
