What a Difference a Day Makes...

As my grandmother would say, “Well, I’ll be…”

That’s all I could think in my head these past couple of days. “Well, I’ll be…”

Moving from Paris to Provence has already proved interesting… In a good way. I can’t wait to tell you all about it and show you pictures. I will post that blog on Thursday. Thank you so much for all of your well wishes. It really warmed my heart and I can’t wait to take all of you along on this adventure.

But first, we have to talk about the November Sale! All of October, even amist all of our packing, organizing and getting ready to move… I still had one thing on my mind. The November Sale. I wanted to hit all of my favorite Parisian spots to gather up all of the Parisian goodies that I could find before I moved to Provence. Who knows if I’ll be able to find more Chinoiserie down here in the south of France! What if they don’t have fancy stuff down here! So, the November Sale is full of exquisite, one-of-a-kind, hoity-toity Parisian goodies.

This is a good sale to treat yourself to something fabulous or treat your loved one to a great Christmas gift from Paris! All of the items will be shipped out within the week and will be to your house way before Christmas.

Let’s get started for a little sneak peek…

I am now fully obsessed with sunburst mirrors. When you have your eye out for something (like a sunburst mirror), miraculously you start to see them everywhere… Magazines, auctions, blogs etc. Take a look…

Look at this sunburst. This is from the Victoria Press auction that is taking place at Christie's on November18th. Click HERE for details.

The good news is that I have another sunburst mirror available in the November Sale… Take a look…

So, you know how I am completely obsessed with Claude Monet’s dinnerware? If you are not aware of my obsession, check out my previous blog about this particular dinnerware HERE. Claude Monet designed his everyday dishes in the 1800s with a Japanese Cherry Blossom theme that he used in his house in Giverny, France. I have a complete set and I am always, always searching for more. There is just nothing more beautiful, I think, than antique blue-and-white French dishes with a cherry blossom theme designed by Claude Monet himself, right!

It is not easy to find these dishes and when one does, a little celebration is in order. And guess what? I found this set of 10 antique dinner plates and they will be available on the November Sale! Hip hip hooray. Take a look...

The Cerisiers de Monet dinnerware at Claude Monet's famous
 yellow dining room at Giverny, France.

Another very special item on the November Sale is a set of 12 mother-of-pearl dinner knives. When I saw these, I had my typical fleamarket little heart attack. I mean, I’ve seen mother-of-pearl knives but not like these! These are almost bulbous handled and are the most beautiful milky mother-of-pearl color you’ve ever seen. These are not the petite appetizer mother-of-pearl knives. These are the real deal dinner knives. Be still my heart.

My favorite item of the sale is something that I have had my eye on at the fancy Parisian fleamarket called the Marché aux Puces for over a year now. An antique horn vase. The only problem with this type of beautiful vase is that they were always too expensive. But my perseverance paid off, I finally found a beautiful one that didn’t break the bank. And it’s going to be available on the November Sale! Take a look…

So that’s a little sneak peek at Friday’s sale. These are very special items so treat yourself or someone you love because you’re worth it! The sale starts Friday, November 6, 2015 at exactly 10 AM Pacific Standard Time. I will be giving more sneak peeks of more items on my Instagram. You can follow me HERE!

A toute!


  1. I am waiting impatiently for Provence! Your November sale is really very very special! Yiassou (bye-bye in greek!) Ellie dear!
    Maria Anagnostopoulou

  2. Everything is lovely as always! xo

  3. Oooooh it looks fabulous. Those plates. I've admired that pattern and never known what it was. You should use them for your Thanksgiving before you ship them off! Can't wait to see photos from Provence!

  4. DROOL!
    Ellie you and your entire support system are amazing! The rest of us would probably beg off blogging for a week or two while the move was happening, but here you are, just as regular as clockwork! That husband of yours is something else.

  5. Love the dishes and the knives. Hmmmmm ....

  6. Happy for you, and looking forward to Friday.!..I need to get my game on to get what I want! xob

  7. Only you would be posting and having an amazing sale in the midst of a move!! And yes, you found some amazing things, as always. I don't know how you do it...I will just keep saying that...you have the eagle eye! My favorite is the sunburst mirror because it is a gorgeous, perfect gold one...of the likes that used to be fairly possible to find but now? Nada! I can't wait for the rest and yes, for your posts about Provence to start too! :)

  8. Love the mirror and the dishes and the knives...I just love it all. So beautiful! Can't wait for the Provence update :)

  9. I want all of it. Those plates with the dinner knives set on a buffet beneath the mirror. Be still my heart. I'm glad that all is well.
    xoxo Mary

  10. BEAUTIFUL.......the horn vase is SPEAKING TO ME!!!

  11. Ellie, I can feel your excitement and cannot wait to see pics of the new house and more.
    The November sale, lusting over several items already!!

    The Arts by Karena
    Carrier and Company

  12. Glad to see you are up and running after the Big Move! Welcome to Provence ....

  13. I love it all, but that sunburst mirror is everything!

  14. Hi Ellie, I'm new to your blog and am wondering how the heck I get in on the November sale. Where and when s'il vous plait?

  15. Hi there! Welcome to the blog. Thanks for reading! For the November sale, just go to the homepage and click the second icon on the right that says Have Some Decorum Home Shop. The shop is open now but the new items will be available Friday, November 6 at exactly 10 AM Pacific standard Time. XO Ellie

  16. Love everything but your fingers have to be quicker than your eyes!

  17. Thanks for the sale info Ellie.

    I was so excited by your pics of the items coming up for sale that I couldn't think for myself when the info was right under my nose. Do you ever do that Ellie, you're so excited about something you can't think for yourself ? Well I do, especially when I see yummy things from Paris!

    I feel like we have a number of things in common Ellie (at this point you may want to take a nap while I carry on). I'm actually an antiques dealer myself and I live in Thousand Oaks, California, right down the 101 from Santa Barbara, and over the mountains from Malibu. I'm a huge Francophile (is that redundant?) and while my hubby is not French he is English. As such, any visit to England requires a necessary 'stop-over' in Paris, my favorite city in the world. When people complain to me about the fact that you might step in dog poop on the sidewalk's of Paris my response is "but your're in Paris!" WTF!

    I got turned on to your blog Ellie by a friend of mine who was so enthusiastic about it that I had to check it out for myself. Having said that, you have to know that that was no mean feat for me as I am completely and utterly technologically challenged ( I think perhaps I have a metal plate in my head that my dear, departed parents overlooked telling me about). I really do have a terrible time with computers, as they hate me, but I'm so glad that I took my friend's advice and sought out your blog.

    I love your inspiration, stories, photos, anecdotes, sarcasm and caustic witt, together with your joie de vivre, and want you to know that I will gladly hand-deliver a big, fat, greasy In N Out Double-Double when you feel the need Ellie!

    Bonne Nuit.

