Time To Delegate

As you know, ALS has been wreaking havoc on my delicate little body lately. My voice is at a whisper, my neck is so weak that I look like a Weeble Wobble, I can only swallow liquids and the worst part, and I do mean the worst, is that I cannot color my hair. So, unfortunately, I am nearly a brunette… No offensive, brunettes.
Because of all of this, I do not really have the energy to blog but I have a great idea. Do you remember when I wrote the blog about the Proust Questionnaire? If you haven't read it yet, click HERE. Go ahead, I'll wait… Tick tok tick tok.
Ok, now that everyone is caught up regarding the Proust Questionnaire, here is my idea… I thought I would present a few questions from the Questionnaire to some of my rather interesting friends and they could be guest bloggers! We can always learn from others. All of my friends, to me, are absolute treasures and all have something different to offer. So, as I appreciate my friends, I thought you would too. The next blogs will be guest bloggers answering the Proust Questionnaire! Stay tuned.


  1. Your inventiveness never falters, and you are blessed with resilience in spades. It is the best gift to wake up, stateside, to find a post.

    Thank you so much for continuing to share with your imaginary, fake friends ;P

  2. I am late to the party, Ellie, and finally all caught up on your blog archives. You should know that you are still attracting fans and friends who send you love every minute of the day. Among them, me. I will look forward to your friends' Proust blogs. And hope that you can manage to weigh in with a sentence or two from time to time. Thanks so much.

  3. Can't wait to read the answers and to see who you invited!

  4. This will be fascinating. It looks like your book will arrive sooner than expected and I can't wait.
    God, ALS really holds no punches. Do you want me to ship you some sun-in and Reynolds aluminum foil and you can go outside and hope for solar blonding? I can give your caregivers explicit instructions as to how maximize its effect. basically we'd need to do thin layers with the shiny side of the foil to the sun. trailer parkais royal. It could work as I'm assuming you're naturally light like a level 7. Meanwhile if I used sun-in with my almost black hair I would look like Clay Aiken's fat brother.
    Hope you're comfortable and keeping drunk. And we will love your blog posts for as long as you can even if they are one sentence.

    1. The Reluctant SalonniereApril 28, 2016 at 7:25 AM

      Stephen Andrew rules!

    2. I SECOND THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!XO

    3. I am laughing through my tears!!

    4. Stephen, I don't know you, but I just love you, young man! What a southern, 'red-neckish solution for highlighting our girlfriend's hair. I did Sun-In (sans foil) with my girlfriends at the beach in high school, (much to the dismay of our pearl-clutching mothers back home by the golf course) and we didn't stop all summer until we obtained our golden tresses. Trust me when I say this was close to a half-century ago. Thank you for dredging up a fond memory.
      You're a gentleman and a prince and I wanted to make you smile for a minute. I really hope it amuses Ellie, too.

    5. You are really beyond; Stephen Andrew. I just hope Heather finds a home for Teddy......or I will go over there.....I may have to ask my next door neighbor (on two sides.....Oprah; (it is true); for help with this one if this dog is not adopted soon. Now, there you go!!! talk about pulling punches!!! Or calling in the heavies! (not sure......they don't really like her in France....remember Paris?) EEEK! she will help......I believe!

    6. he does. it is true! Stephen Andrew rules!

    7. Omg Sun-In ! Brilliant. .I used it once..im greek, wasn't a good look for me...lol

    8. You continue to delight and amuse us, your blog friends. May our strength add to yours. Keep drinking, hopefully with a champagne buzz. Stephen Andrew always has an amusing solution, and it could work! Looking forward to the "Proust interviews", such a great idea!
      Blessings and love to you.😘🍾

    9. NOt only should Stephen be a guest poster, but when Penelope goes to France she should take him along. He could do both Ellie's AND David's roots. Both of them deserve some TLC and buffing and fluffing!

      Smiles from Charlotte Des Fleurs

    10. Great idea -- looking forward to guests. And obviously we can talk amongst ourselves, too. About the Sun-In: be careful! I overdid it in high school and got brassy, then needed to use a gray rinse...

  5. I love Proust questionaires. Thanks for the reminder post. Thinking of you.....

  6. I just can't stop thinking of you at random throughouty day. I am amazed at your wit and spirit under so much pressure and I can only hope I could be the same if I found myself in a situation like yours ( not likely though, I'd be the whiner saying "it's not fair) You are truly an insiration and I wish you all the best. Chris, Australia xxxxxxxx

  7. I am looking forward to your guest posts. Could I stick my neck out and make a special request? Could Stephen Andrew do a post? Hang in there, Ellie. Sending special prayers your way.

    1. Yes please to this suggestion as well.
      Cindy F

    2. I second that emotion.

    3. I have become a Stephen Andrew junkie! Bring him on!

    4. Oh.. I say yes for Stephen.. I just adore him.

  8. Something you don't know about me? I would have to answer the questions as "anonymous"! Although I totally agreed with Proust's answer to the question, "What is your state of mind?" His answer, so you won't have to go look it up, "Annoyance at having to think about myself in order to answer these questions." I DESPISE (Sorry La Contessa, just had to use caps.)answering all the questions on forms at doctor and dentist offices...same old questions time after time...same old answers, time after time. Strength and blessings from MS.

    1. I AGREE!!!!!!!!!

  9. Dearest Ellie,

    Sorry about the "bobble head" and even more sorry about you being unable to color your hair! Like you I was born blonde. Slowly Mother Nature forgot about that little detail... Dark roots are the pits!

    OMG! I had no idea Proust was such a Romantic. However, would have liked to see how he answered the same questions at 40. Poor man. The loss of his mother and grandmother seemed to have left him with a permanent deficit for female love.

    Both at 13 and at 20 my favorite Historical figure was Queen Elizabeth I. Today I can think of MANY people including Napoleon and Mae West! At 13 I had no idea about "weakness of will" (although I had it) or at 20 about wanting to have "irrestible charm" (I had that too but did not use it enough).

    As to great fault - that's easy, I am quick to see the solution to a problem and too quick to let others know it. My best friends say I scare them because I always have the right answer. Maybe I need to take care of my own problems and just let others bumble along to solve or not solve THEIR problems. However, that doesn't count for my husband. Yesterday he used Acetone to clean up a dead rat in our garage. That ruined a section of the composite flooring we had laid down so now we have to pay $$$ to replace it. Note to self - lock up all the chemicals so hubby cannot get to them without permission.

    It will be interesting to see what your other invisible friends have to say.

    Hope we can entertain you as much as you have entertained us!

    Smiles from Charlotte Des Fleurs

  10. I am also late to the party and can't tell you how much you have inspired me. I read your book this weekend and can't stop thinking about you. I had never heard of the Proust Questionnaire (clearly, I am late to many parties!) and am going to order it right now as a birthday gift for my sister. Thank you for your generous spirit (even when I am sure you are so tired). Sending positive thoughts and love.

  11. We love you! But feel free to devote your time to Gracie & David, who love you even more than we do.....and that's a f**king lot! You have already given us so much of yourself. Just know that we remain here for you. -Diane

  12. Blonde or brunette, your magic is still there!
    Looking forward to such a fun and inventive idea for your blog.
    I'll bet your friends - if they're anything like you and they probably are if they are your friends - will have thought provoking, deeply revealing and hysterically funny answers. Can't wait!
    And as Stephen said, even if you are only able to post just one sentence - I would love it.
    Thinking of you lots and lots.

  13. Fabulous idea! ...although it's not surprising that another fabulous idea would come from such a fabulous person. And, I agree with Stephen that we all love whatever you post for as long as you can post ... we all light up each time we see something from you! Sending love your way!!

  14. Extraordinary, Ellie! I am in awe of you, sweet Ellie. Thank you a million for the post. You always make my day. Prayers, love, and big hugs, Gina from PA

  15. Ellie, you are always in the back of my mind. I spend time hopng you are comfortable and doing absolutely as well as you could possibly be. The world is loving you and sending you positive prayers and thoughts. xoxox Vicki

  16. Ooh yes I second this! Always love Stephen's comments. X

    1. Once again, you make me laugh out loud. No offence taken! You are so beautiful. I'm sure the dreaded roots on you are dazzling too. Thinking of you and praying for you every day. Susan NYC

  17. I DONOT think I read that bit WAY BACK WHEN about PROUST!
    I will NOW GO make a CAFE..........and READ the CLICK here part.
    CAROL donated the BAG I just HELPED but I put MY NAME FIRST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!TACKY TACKY.............i know.
    I was so PROUD I figured out HOW to put the TWO NAMES TOGETHER!!!!
    YOU DEAR one are LOVED.................I have had many a phone call and email checking in on YOU!

    1. DELIGHTED to have La Contessa put her name first. SHE had the brilliant idea to offer it to Ellie's readers via her blog. SHE did most of the work! I just donated the bag. Happy we were able to raise so much money for Ellie and it was fun, fun, fun.

      XOXO from Carol, too!

  18. Wonderful idea! I got your hard copy book in the mail today. I am beyond excited. Off to read it!

  19. This is awesome..what a great idea! You never cease to amaze me.....xoxo

  20. sounds like a wonderful idea! will be thinking about you and hoping you will be seeing good things out your window!

  21. Ellie, you do realize everyone is thrilled to read ANY post from you - it could be your grocery list, and we’d jump for joy. Delegating to your most interesting friends, though, is the next best thing (for us, anyway... ) Hope they can handle the pressure, you’ve set a very high benchmark!

    I’m eagerly awaiting my hardcover copy of your book. In maintaining my minimalistic modus operandi and de-cluttering, I’ve only allowed myself to purchase e-books over the last few years, but not this time. You’ll be front and center on my coffee table.
    xo, Catherine

  22. I'm also late to Ellie's fabulous party, which is bad news for me because it means that instead of doing what I'm paid to do during work hours, I'm reading old blog posts and conducting lots of tangential research (the other tab open on my browser is Maison Trudon). It's also bad for my bottom line. And while I can't afford most of the gorgeous items discussed by Madame OD, I do have an Amazon Prime account and books always seem to fall within that "Ohhh, well, why not?? It's an incremental expense!" category in the old budget. My beady-eyed husband recently remarked, "You've really been doing a lot of ordering on Amazon lately." It's your bad influence, Ellie! You are amazing. Sending love from Boston. xxoo

  23. Ellie, I just finished your book. Good God, it's smart. And sad and funny! Your book is f*ing amazing and so are you. Amazing Grace. You call us to courage. You demystify the things we fear. I carry you in my heart, through the rest of my life, and resolve to not be afraid. Thank-you dear friend. Laura xoxo.

  24. Ellie you will be gorgeous even if you had blue hair! I love the idea as always thinking of us and how to enrich our lives
    We love you xoxoxo

  25. I love that I learn different things I was not even aware of from your blog and posts. I have never heard of Proust.
    love and namaste
    from southern California

  26. The good looking dude outside, with a good coat and shoes (gay or metrosexual?), is it too late for you to have an illicit affair with him? Just wondering? Hang in there, gorgeous gal.

  27. Great idea!
    Now, what about those roots? If you lived in Omaha Nebraska, where I am, I'd come over to your place and do your hair. It would be fun.

  28. looking forward to this! I'm so sorry about your hair, sometimes burnette isn't so bad. Just glad to hear from you!

  29. Love the Proust Questionnaire... even as an almost brunette you remain a clever lady. Thank you for all you give us though it's okay if you want to let it slide and give all your energies to your David and Gracie.
    With blessings for you,

  30. Ellie ,oh boy I wish I could write like you!!!!!!! When you share you to us ....it touches my core ,my true...someone else would write true core ...I get u. ...sharing with you and all profoundly has empowered me to shout out for ALL in need of ALS awareness!!!

  31. Exellent idea Ellie!!! As excellent as Mr. Andrews suggestions! Looking forward for your book. It was shipped today way down to Gerrrrrrmany!( And of course it is the hardback!)

  32. If you can drink liquids I hope you're drinking all of the champagne in Paris. Sending love.

  33. So, so wonderful to hear from you! I was wondering how we did buying your book...I hope you get an offer for a movie! If that is the case, who would you like to play you?! I would love to know! Perhaps the wonderful Penelope Bianchi can talk to Oprah about that! Wouldn't that be wonderful?! We can all go together to the premiere and sit next to you and Oprah! Do your friends have any suggestions about who should play your role in the movie? How about Penelope, LA CONTESSA AND Andrew?! Please let us know my dear, it has to be somebody so gorgeous and with a personality larger than life... I don't have a candidate yet, some big shoes to fill... Very stylish ones I might add... Sending love and healing your way xx

  34. I have seen both my mother-in-law, and my brother-in-law lose to ALS, and am scared about any heredity factor. You are amazing, and I have a huge crush on you as I love france, have lived in Paris and Aix, ya-da, ya-da, ya-da. I also love Serge Lutens' fragrances and am wondering what your favorite scents are and if they give you any comfort now. Love and blessings. All WILL be well--so says Lady Julien of Norwich (whoever the hell she was) and it's TRUE. XOXO

  35. Dear Ellie, I read your book in two days...I couldn't put it down. It was compelling and touching. Your daughter will be just fine with a mother like you who taught her all she needs to know to be a loving and happy person. Have no fear of that. I am not a religious person, but if I were I would be sending you endless prayers for peace and joy. XO, Victoria

  36. I am crying tears of laughter and sadness after reading your post and Stephen Andrew's comments. I think about you all the time and hope you are at least somewhat comfortable and surrounded by those that love you and are taking good care of you. Another reader was right - I get excited and light up when I see you have updated our blog. Sappy hugs, Marian from TO

  37. To not hear your voice on the blog anymore is sobering, but you have left a legacy of wonderful posts to be read and re-read. Thank you for all you have shared in your educated, opinionated and deliciously humorous way. I look forward to reading your friends' posts and your book which is on its way to me. Peace and love to you, my darling brunette beauty. Xoxo, sally

  38. Glad to see a post from you this morning, dear Ellie. No one can substitute your sassy writing style and entertaining content, but I will embrace a guest blogger. Thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers. Hugs, hugs and more hugs.

  39. Of course I’d love to hear YOUR thoughtful answers to the Proust Questionnaire. If they’re in your book…excusez-moi…my coffee table version is on the way. In any event, I look forward to reading the guest prousts – I mean posts! Will they be more Kardashian than Proustian? ;) XOX

    P.S. The French hottie outside your window could be David’s lovable doppelganger – Lord knows he’ll do anything to please and entertain you.

    P.S.S. I did a double-take watching Part 1 of the RHOBH reunion…you know the part where YH says caretaker instead of caregiver - Did you cringe? ;)

  40. Super. I read "A La Recherche...... " in college. I'm sure that The Guests will be more energetic. xoxo Mary

    1. Lamenting that you are taking a sabbatical, but looking forward to your chosen
      thought-provoking stand-ins.... About Maria Teresa's thought of your book on film... who could play our Ellie? Her match is not to be found and the most talented among earth's fair ones could never fully convey the essence of this
      exquisite, generous, sassy, courageous and gifted creature, our Ellie. Any
      Sarah Bernhardt would have to ingest your book to even qualify and then would still come up too short... We have had the privilege of having the original...
      and we rejoice.... Sip the champagne, relish David and Gracie and know you are
      blessed with the love and gratitude of so many.

    2. Well, if I were a Casting Director, my first choice would be Reese Witherspoon - petite, impish and a great actress. Second choice, Kate Hudson - hmm - also petite, impish and a great actress! Third choice - Kate Winslet - a bit taller but also great with comedy as well as drama. AND, all three are blondes who have had dark roots at one time or another.

      Hey Ladies, are you listening??? Have your agent buy up the story rights so YOU can star in it!

    3. Great suggestions Charlotte! I thought that a young Merryl Streep would have been perfect...but we can't go back on time, can we? If we could, we will all be at Grammarcy Parl with Ellie, skkiping and twirling around,

    4. Or at least we could give Ellie one day of our lives, so she could live until she is 100! One day each one, she could spread her arms wide open, we'll all do, and dance in the rain with our faces to the sky, savoring every second of it, laughing like children, Ellie and us, her "imaginary friends...

  41. My hard cover copy of your book arrived yesterday in the post!
    Immediately after dinner I started reading and read well after my bedtime...I am going to finish it today.
    Thank you Ellie for this insightful look into your life, how you bravely faced this diagnosis and how you have managed to keep your spirits up throughout the process.
    Leslie In Victoria BC

  42. I expect you will surprise us with your selection of friends and their answers to the Proust Questionnaire, can't wait! I tried but did not have the patience to read "A La Recherche..." myself. Sending my best and thinking of you and your family, get stronger.

  43. Ellie tell your caretakers to use any drugstore home hair color ( Loreal, Clairol, etc) in the lightest blond shade. Use the no drip , shampoo in, and viola you will be blonde again.

  44. Ellie, I have not ordered your book yet, but I am going to .... I was so blown away with your blog. My heart was swept wide open. I thought to myself that I might not be able to handle the book, but that is rubbish. I can. You come to mind day and night, and I keep thinking there is still time, still possibilities. Does someone know a healer from Mexico or a shaman from Peru, or an angel or two might do. Let us get one to France pronto! Sending you love across the miles.

  45. Are you taking nominations?? I nominate Heather Robinson!!! (ok, I'm biased, she's my sister). And Stephen as he makes me laugh all the time (his suggestion of a "crystal meth-laced butter vodka milkshake" for you is my favorite).
    We will read anything you give us, though - sending lots of love and healing energy to you!

  46. Eleanor O'connell Decret, I salute you!

  47. We are all still here, Ellie, thinking of you.
    We will enjoy the guest bloggers, and will be thinking of you.
    In fact, we'll always be thinking of you and the joy and humor and wisdom you have shared with us.
    Your Gracie and David will be remembered when we get to Paris.
    Thank God for Stephen Andrew's humor....
    We love you and prayers continue for you and yours.

  48. Just getting your card in the mail . . . and Stephen is hilarious. Too bad we can't mail him to you. ;)

  49. Ellie,

    I just finished your book. What can I say that hasn't been already said by so many others? I'm grateful for you sharing you. There is no greater gift to mankind than sharing one's heart. I'm at a loss for words. Your spirit will prosper in your family, friends and readers like me. You're a treasured soul.


  50. What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery?
    To lose a child
    Where would you like to live?
    Green Turtle Cay, the Bahamas
    What is your idea of earthly happiness?
    To be surrounded by those I love
    Who are your favorite characters in history?
    Ronald Reagan
    Your favorite painter?
    Your favorite musician?
    The quality you most admire in a man?
    Loyalty, common sense
    The quality you most admire in a woman?
    Loyalty, maternal instinct
    Your favorite virtue?
    Your favorite occupation?
    Studying, reading
    Who would you have liked to be?
    Jacqueline Kennedy
    Your most marked characteristic?
    Fun to be around, loyal
    What do you most value in your friends?
    What is your principle defect?
    I do not suffer fools gladly.
    What to your mind would be the greatest of misfortunes?
    To lose your friends or those who love you unconditionally
    What would you like to be?
    An adventurer, a mother/grandmother, a true friend, a wife
    What is your favorite color?
    no favorite color
    What is your favorite flower?
    What is your favorite bird?
    Who are your heroes in real life?
    Ronald Reagan, Jackie Kennedy, Harry Fuller
    Who are your favorite heroines of history?
    Jackie O
    What are your favorite names?
    Smith, Tucker, Tillman, Poppy
    What is it you most dislike?
    Nouveau riche, shallow people,
    How would you like to die?
    I would like to still be relevant and enjoyable to be around. Definitely in my eighties or nineties!!! I will still be relevant and fun, right?
    What is your motto?
    Blessed are the curious, for they shall have grand adventures.
    Thank you for answering the Proust Questionnaire! Your answers can now be viewed on the Web.

    Use the back key of your browser and resubmit the page to apply any corrections or to upload an image if you haven't yet done so (or to upload a differnt one if you already did). It is not possible to change your name or age. To submit an additional set of answers, you must close your browser and start a new session.

    Help end poverty: the creator of this page supports the p2p microloan platform united prosperity (Hoelder1in's profile). Show your support for the Proust Questionnaire page by joining Hoelder1in there and report about it on the comments page!

  51. My mother had ALS. We used to call her a weeble wobble too (she had a great sense of humor). Please never give up. Keep being awesome and thank you for sharing your stories.

  52. Extraordinary Ellie: Thank you immensely for the gift of your book. I savored every word and am humbled by your prolific writing. It made me laugh and cry and, more than anything, wished I personally had the thrill of meeting you. This may sound so egotistical, and forgive me, but I can honestly say you and I share so many characteristics from our passion of decorating to enjoying all that is beautiful in this world. I came late to your blog (my regret), but am grateful to have found you. One of my favorite quotes from you is when you say that your caretakers could not understand why you wanted your home beautifully decorated...and your answer was "because I have eyes." Brilliant!! Ellie, I consider you my friend and want you to know you have touched my life in so many ways. Your legacy is immense and you have made me a better person for knowing you. We, your devoted followers, don't want to lose you. We are selfish...we want you to stay with us and we want you to send us your funny, loving blogs that we cannot wait to read. I shall cherish your book forever. And I pray, that someday, I can give your beautiful Gracie the biggest hug ever from her beloved Mom. With adoration and love, Gina Vottero, Broomall, PA

  53. Sorry I'm late commenting! We will enjoy whatever you put on the blog. I'm sorry about the hair situation, I thought it was so kind of Stephen Andrew to offer practical advice. Love and peace and comfort to you!

  54. Hi Ellie, I've been reading your blog for quite some time now but never thought about posting a msg. I just finished your book, you are such an inspiration: always honest, funny and real! my thoughts are with you. much love from istanbul

  55. Found a blog mention of your latest book! Thought you might want to see: http://www.1010parkplace.com/staying-on-top/
    And another recent blog mention: https://mariateresadebracamonte.wordpress.com/tag/eleanor-oconnell/
    As you can see, we are all thinking of you. :-)
