Embracing My Inner Bedouin

You all must think I am crazy…going from Santa Barbara to Annecy to Paris to Provence back to Paris and now…back to Santa Barbara...with ALS. But guess what? I just want to go home and home to me is Santa Barbara. I am all packed and will depart France on Sunday the 31st and will be sleeping in my own bed in Santa Barbara Sunday night…the exact same place I left 3 years ago…the same address…the same place where I raised Gracie…my home. Who says you can’t go home again?

I will tell you all about it next week when I am settled but until then, follow me on Instagram HERE for all the details.

To all my friends in Santa Barbara, come over…you know where I am. (Bring cocktails).


  1. Bon voyage, travel safely and may the force be with you! Looking forward to more posts when you settle in! Xoxo's from Shireen in the Bay Area - The Contessa's neck o' the woods...

  2. Dear Ellie, I hope that your journey is a good one and I am glad that you will be "home" soon. We all have a place that is special for us and where we feel happy. I live in San Jose, CA and we go to Santa Barbara occasionally and it is a beautiful place. If I had your address I would definitely bring cocktails. May your return to the USA be all that you hope for and may you use the drive-thru at Taco Bell on your way to your home.

  3. Extraordinary Ellie! I am so very happy that you are returning to your homeland. Your spirit will be renewed and all good things await you, as you so deserve everything special and wonderful. Maybe when I visit my son in Los Angeles, can I stop by and say hi? Sending love and hugs, Gina from PA

  4. Over the moon for you gorgeous!! I'll be there to visit the moment you are settled. ILY!!

  5. YIPPEE.....travel with Angel's dear Ellie ~ I shall be thinking about you most assuredly on Jun 31st !!! XOXOXO

  6. Glad we found out that French Guy outside your apartment was Gay before you left.... Or was he just European?

  7. I am so happy it worked out. I am in the midst of moving out to my Sister's and so always think to call too late but will try to tomorrow...love you so much. xoxox

    You. Are. Amazing. (insert heart and star emojis here)

  8. Girlfriend can't want to have you back in the US!!!! I am so excited for you!!!! Your spirit continues to soar, you are my inspiration
    Luv u
    Lourdes 💜💜💜

  9. I will let the OLD FRIENDS MEET & GREET then I will SAIL DOWN THE 101...................
    BROWN HOUSE with tower?
    SEE YOU SOON....................HAVE A GREAT FLIGHT.............XOXOXOXO

  10. Wishing you a safe, uneventful journey home. Your comfort zone awaits you. That Cali sun will have your hair back to golden strands in no time. Sally

  11. Yah!!! Have a peaceful flight and here's hoping for that perfect California sunset to greet you when you get home !!! So happy for you-

  12. Ellie, best wishes and safe travels. I hope it all goes down without a hitch. We will all be waiting to hear about your emergence back home. I hope it brings you the comfort you crave. Love and blessings!

  13. That forehead tatoo is treś chic. Best wishes for a safe trip home, Ellie. Can't wait to hear more about your journey.

  14. Safe travels and happy homecoming!

  15. Dearest Ellie I wish you safe travels and the contentment of home. I totally understand. Best wishes R

  16. Well done! Safe journey home. Looking forward to hearing all the news when you are settled. Luv Lillian xx

  17. Bon voyage, I do hope all goes well & you find the peace you deserve back in your home in Santa Barbara.
    ' Bon courage ' I always enjoy reading your posts, about the good times & the bad, your strength is so strong, I only wish I had half of yours. I'm just another blogging friend who wishes you well.

  18. I don't think you're crazy at all! But I had a feeling you'd move home all along. Safe travels!

  19. Dear Ellie, have a safe trip home! Xoxo Robbi from Pittsburgh

  20. I am so happy for you! Safe travels and know my prayers go with you. xx.dt

  21. wishing you safe travels! There's nothing like sleeping in your own bed :)

  22. Happy Trails. I'm so glad you are coming home. Prayers for a safe trip and what could be better than your own bed? Bring on the cocktails. xoxo Mary

  23. Best wishes for a safe and speedy trip home. Can't wait to hear all about it once you are settled. Your dear CA friends must be so happy to have you back in town. I continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

  24. Wishing you every good thing possible on your journey home and in your new (old) life!

  25. Welcome almost home Ellie to California!
    I live an hour south and so happy for you to return to your home!

  26. Dearest Ellie,

    Of course, wishing you a pleasant flight home, but si tu me permites, a logistical question. With your Medical Entourage and associated equipment, how will you be traveling? Are you flying commercial, private or Med Evac? I hear that all travelers arriving from foreign countries are now being fingerprinted by the TSA.

    However you go, safe travels!

    Smiles from Charlotte Des Fleurs

  27. Have a safe trip. So happy you are coming back home to Santa Barbara. I live a little
    south of there, its a beautiful day today. I know it will be so good to be back in your
    home. I think its wonderful! love to you and your family. Marie

  28. I received my tea boxes today! They are lovely and are now residing next to an antique mahogany chest of drawers in the front hall.
    It is good to know that you are on yet another adventure and are entering a whole new chapter in your story.
    "And so it is"

  29. Smooth travels, Ellie. I wish I could time travel back to my former job as a Pan Am purser and take care of you on your flight home.

  30. So glad you are returning to Santa Barbara! Safe travels

  31. Traveling mercies, Ellie! So happy for you.

  32. Safe travels doll...check in when you get settled...Santa Barbara or bust ! xoxo

  33. Vaya con Dios my little gypsy jet setter! XO

  34. Safe travels, and I know beautiful Santa Barbara will welcome you home.

    I'm in the process of renting out my mom's gorgeous house, as after 20 years, we've moved her up north. Somehow it feels right to me that one slightly outrageous loving woman with a sense of style leaves, and another arrives.

    All the best to you and yours.

  35. Bon voyage, neighbor! Will be trying to find you to bring Hummingbirds and a nice chat! Welcome home from Thousand Oaks......(-;

  36. I completely understand. Home is home is home is home. You can move around the world and add homes bis but the original is the real one.
    Bon voyage and best of luck. I will continue to follow your adventures in amazement of your talents and fortitude!

  37. So tomorrow is the big day! Safe travel Ellie!

  38. OFF you go across the pond! July 31st.....sunny day out here.....Cheers ~ XO

  39. Welcome back to America!!!

  40. Dear Ellie,

    Fodder for a yet-to-be composed post: http://www.townandcountrymag.com/style/home-decor/a7410/real-housewives-heather-dubrow-home-tour/

    Can't wait for an update on your repatriation!

  41. Ellie, can't wait to hear about your emergence back to home and American culture. Hope you are as well as can be expected. XO

  42. Lovely lovely lovely Ellie ❤ I am reading your blog as I am listening a best friend talking to support me and take my anxiety. I am not even sick since I am young for the onsets of many diseases. I am a medical doctor a girl all about science. I don't believe in God or whatever. I believe in courage, dignity, love, laugh and being genuinely kind which you are all about. I am from Turkey, yes a third world country, yes lack of democracy but if you lived in here, you would only had to pay for your motorized wheelchair and talking software. My massage is for Yolanda Hadid actually, the fight should be about the health system of the United States as well as Lyme because it is far the worst there is. I will purchase your book as soon as possible. I am so glad I met(even online) such a soul like you. By the way remember the quote: "You don't have a soul, you are a soul you have a body" loves so muucchh ❤❤❤
