
So today I schlepped all the way over to the 7th arrondissement today to go to La Grand Epicerie, otherwise known as the Bon Marche. It is one of my most favorite places in all of Paris. Calling it a grocery store does not do it justice. It’s even past a gourmet food market. I think it’s more realistic to just call it mecca. If you think you have seen everything, be advised you have not until you go to Le Bon Marche

Everything is at maximum level here. The olives are not just olives. The ham is not just ham. The water is not just water. The butter is not just butter. The cheese is not just cheese. Everything is the best of the best. There is a boulangerie, patisserie, boucherie, poissonnerie, cremerie, half a mile of yogurt, a village of foie gras, selections of delicacies from Japan, China, the Middle East, Germany, India, Greece, Italy, even America

 No, that isn’t vodka. It’s  water. 

I realize this is just fruit but it’s so pretty! It is so amazing here that my friend Susie and I spend entire phone conversations talking about what we bought.

  The dessert section is a feast for your eyes. The cakes, the macaroons, the chocolates, the pastries. My favorite are these little bite-size beignets filled with either apples, caramel, or chocolate. I eat them on the sidewalk the second I walk out of the store. I’m classy like that.

 There is also a entire section of prepared foods. This isn’t your typical macaroni salad or potato salad. This is delicate spring rolls, shrimp satay, precious little dumplings, fresh raviolis filled with lobster, Moroccan couscous, fresh Lebanese food with crunchy and soft falafel balls with creamy tzatziki sauce, homemade Italian food, perfectly perfect French baguettes with French ham, buttery cheese and cornichons.

 There are two rows for butter! Sorry middle America, I didn’t see any Country Crock here.

Look at the eggs! I am, however, still adjusting to the fact that French people don't refrigerate their eggs or milk. Gross.

The first time I ever went to Le Bon Marche with my sister and mother we each had a cart literally filled to the brim and piled high. We looked like Bedouins. We bought everything from pink Himalayan sea salt, chocolate balsamic vinegar, basil olive oil, mint olive oil, French herbs, mustards, wines etc. I packed everything perfectly with bubblewrap and tissue in my carry-on bag to take back to California. Stupidly, I kind of forgot about the “no liquids” rule and every single think of mine was confiscated. I started to cry. That’s the kind of idiot I am. Thank God I live in Paris and they deliver now. Another amazing and somewhat dangerous feature they have is where you can take one of their scanners and walk around the market and just scan everything that you want and then they deliver it! Talk about luxury!

The only slightly disappointing aspect of the store is the American section. It is sad to see that the French think that our American delicacies consist of spray cheese in a can, marshmallow fluff, Caesar salad croutons, Ranch Salad dressing, Kraft Macaroni and Cheese, barbecue sauce, pancakes in a box, brownies in a box and Gummy bears. Do you want to know what’s even sadder? I bought every single one of those things minus the spray cheese in a can.

 Le Grand Epicerie at Le Bon Marché
38 rue de Sévres, Paris France 75007


  1. Mecca indeed, on my list for my next visit. On the egg thing, I was the was the same way when I lived in the south last year, I just couldn't leave the eggs out of the refrigerator. Loved the shelf stable milk, however! What a beautiful background you have on your blog.

  2. OF COURSE YOU did it was a piece of HOME!I will never forget when I lived in Florence and another AMERICAN came to see me and walked into the kitchen and put a BIG bag of M&M's on the counter!!You could have heard my scream of delight in PARIS!

  3. Yep. L'Epicerie might be one of the most Parisian of institutions. Like Mecca, Remi and I would make pilgrimages there when we first moved and I would stare slack-jawed. We were so broke at the time and so we would buy ONE thing. Do you have any idea how hard it was to decide which thing that should be? :)
    PS. Definitely agree with you about the American selection. The rest of the store is the epitome of elegance save for chez nous. *sigh*
