Parisian Apartment: Apartments That I Dig

Okay, so now that we have finished with the essentials of a Parisian apartment… Let’s look at what it looks like altogether. This is a little compilation of some of my favorite Parisian apartments. I have a broad range of what I like from classic to modern. However, I think a combination of the two is what works best. Some of my favorite Parisian designers are Gilles & Boissier, Jean–Louis Denoit, Jessica Vedel, Jacques Garcia and Fréderic Mechiche. I also love Timothy Corrigan even though he is American but he has a French château so like, that counts.

You know how sometimes people ask you what superpower you could have if given a choice? The superpower that I would like is the ability to fly unnoticed around everyone’s apartment in Paris.

Tomorrow, maybe, let’s look at my apartment… I say “maybe” because in doing so it would entail teaching a caregiver how to use an iPhone camera or asking my “oh so busy” daughter to do it. Neither seem likely, hence the “maybe.”


  1. Oh, these apartments are so gorgeous!!

  2. I met TIMOTHY C last year!He invited me to his CHATEAU to put on a theater production!I did a POST on News!
    I will need YOUR HELP.............I will swing by PARIS in a few days and pick you up and off WE GO!You GAME?

  3. Thats great blogs Let’s look at what it looks like altogether. This is a little compilation of some of my favorite Parisian apartments. I have a broad range of what I like from classic to modern.........

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