Happy Halloween. Non-crappy Halloween Decor.

I wanted to start today’s blog with a big  Merci! Thank you to everyone who leaves fun, funny, smart, encouraging, informative comments. And thank you for sharing part of yourself with me. I read every single comment and then I read them to my husband to make him jealous that I have more friends than him. I do consider you all friends and I am so happy that you enjoy the blog. Even though I cannot reply to the comments because my energy and breath are limited, I love reading your thoughts every day. I need to save my energy and breath to raise my daughter and scream at her a little to stand up straighter and to not walk around Paris with a hole in her tights. This may sound corny, but for me, writing this blog gives me a purpose. So, thank you to everyone who reads the blog, thank you to everyone who pops over from other blogs, thank you to everyone who shares my blogs with their friends and just thank you for putting a smile on my face every day with your comments. Keep ‘em coming!

Today, let’s step through the porch, past the front door and go inside of the house for Halloween…

It is entirely possible to decorate the inside of your house for Halloween without it looking corny. You just have to use a little imagination and remember that this is your house, not your four-year-old’s preschool. Even though I realize that this is mainly a holiday for children, it’s never too early to teach them a little style. There is enough tackiness in the world already… Real Housewives of New Jersey, red carnations, jeggings, platform heels, Jane Seymour’s furniture collection, Ugg boots, Toronto Mayor Rob Ford (I am sorry that he has cancer now…but he is still tacky. Kind of like I have ALS but I’m still a bitch), gladiator sandals, faux antiques, oversized headboards, cheese dip, taking pictures of oneself getting on a chartered private plane, grotto pools, anything Swarovski crystal, and not saying please and thank you. Let’s do our part for the world and exercise good taste. It’s the least we can do, right? Take a look at some of these examples of chic interior Halloween decor.…

To see some more great examples of chic Halloween interior decor, check out my Pinterest board HERE.

*Something you don’t know about me? Okay okay okay, I’m not promising anything but I have been working on a cookbook this past week. If I can pull this off, it will be available soon. I thought it would be really fun to do a quick cookbook of just my mother’s Thanksgiving recipes. She is famous for her Thanksgiving dinners so much so that people fight for a seat at her dinner table. Since I cannot invite everyone this year because I am in stupid Paris with no Thanksgiving culture, I thought it would be fun to share her recipes with the world. My mother has been cooking her entire life, taught private cooking classes, had a gourmet cookware/gourmet food shop and was the chairwoman of the Los Angeles Junior League cookbook committee in the 80s, so she definitely has some “street cred.” But relax, even though my mother is from a hoity-toity family, her cooking is quite the opposite. Yes, she can do all the fancy stuff, but what we all love about her cooking is when she cooks “real food.” I think everyone will really like the cookbook. You’ll laugh… because the way my mother describes things is so hillbilly. For example, for the green bean recipe she tells you to cook the green beans until they are “dead with no vitamins.” You’ll cry…with tears of happiness because finally Thanksgiving dinner is approachable. You’ll beg for more…Because the recipes are tried and true and full of flavor…You will be going back for seconds and thirds. So keep your fingers crossed that I can pull this off with the help of my illiterate caregivers who have never seen a printer, let alone a scanner.


  1. Hi Ellie! I love the idea of a cookbook, and just in time for Thanksgiving. I'm still laughing at the post where you describe those violent, killer green beans!

    The Quakers have a lovely saying, "I'll hold you in the Light." Seems you have a lot of people doing that for you, and I'm among them.

    Julie Schoo

  2. I love reading your blog. yes, please keep writing.

  3. Ellie, if I still lived in Paris instead of Provence, I would hire myself as your personal assistant to get this cookbook DONE. I would even go to that crazily expensive shop in the Marais with American goods so that we could taste test. Alas...that makes for a mighty long commute. But I am wootwooting for you as Tday is my favorite of meals...where every dish involves copious amounts of butter...unless your Mom happened to make that freaky green jello with cottage cheese and nuts thing but something tells me I don't think that she did... ;)
    Bisous from le Sud,

    1. I love that shop in the Marais. It's called Thanksgiving. I go there to look at everything that I would never eat in the states, but now I strangely want. Like Hidden Valley Ranch buttermilk dressing. So gross, but I want it. If you come to Paris, let me know… XO XO XO PS. I have enlisted the begrudging help of my daughter to do the book. She is a computer wiz but thank you for your offer!

    2. Sharon told me about that shop!IT's owned by an AMERICAN woman!

    3. Oh good, Grace will help get it done. Alas, I don't head up to Paree very often these days (I like to joke that I am the only "poor" American that lives in Provence) but you can bet your bottom dollar that if I do...I would be delighted to meet you. And yes! I recently bought Ranch dressing at the grocery store just because I could! It has been sitting at the back of my fridge ever since... ;)
      The sun just came out here so it is time to walk the dogs. Have a wonderful weekend.

  4. You have greatly contributed to my happiness today with yet another wonderful post. You may not want me to be your friend because if I were ever lucky enough to be whisked back to Paris or Florene on a chartered private plane, I would have to have someone snap a pic because it would be a once-in-a-lifetime experience. We are either queued up in the coach line or ocasionally in the business class line but never on a private plane. Keep up your amazing sense of humor.

    1. So glad I could make you happy today. Your comment made me laugh so thank you. XOXO

  5. I'm guessing the new trend of painted pumpkins with ribbons falls into the tacky category?

  6. PLEASE make the Thanksgiving cookbook happen! Sounds right up my alley. Your blog is the first I check every day. Thanks for writing - I love how your mind works!

  7. You are very funny! But I do look forward to the cookbook with some real and colloquial language instead of flambé this and mijoter that.

    1. My mother would definitely say flambé but she would spell it incorrectly and most likely backwards. :-)

  8. YOU GO GIRL GO!!!!
    WE ALL want the recipe BOOK!!!!!!!!!THOSE CAREGIVERS will surprise YOU!YOU CAN DO THIS!I understand why YOU need to save your breath to YELL at the DAUGHTER.........TIS MOLTO IMPORTANTE that she GETS IT!When YOU run out of STEAM......I will take OVER as will a few others I would IMAGINE!!!WE ARE ALL HERE TO HELP.............There is a packet of gravy in the BOX.Something we would NEVER use at home in the STATES but when we are overseas.........it seems to WORK!

  9. Ellie, I adore your blog. I love it so much that I force my daughter to read it while we're sitting through her chemo treatments, and she's wearing those goofy-looking penguin caps so she won't lose her hair. She always finds something in your blog that is beautiful to look at, and something that makes her laugh. You lift her spirits, and you frequently just make my day...!

    1. The fact that I made your daughter laugh and lifted her spirits makes this whole blog worth everything. I will light a candle this weekend at church for your daughter (even if you don't believe in God, I'm still doing it). Thank you for your kind words. You made my day. XO XO XO

    2. I DO believe in God! Sometimes we have disagreements, however, and I have been known to pout which is not very pious. I love that you lit a candle for my daughter; she will be SO grateful and SO touched, and she'll secretly think it's beyond cool that the candle is located in Paris . You've already made The (prayer) List here! xoxoxo/Nancy

  10. Thank you so much for all your wonderful posts. I am greatful that the Contessa directed me to you. You bring laughter and tears (sometimes) to my heart. Know that you are in my thoughts.

    I can't wait to read your Thanksgiving cookbook. My cooking is not always great but I do love Thanksgiving and I host a festive gathering. When my cooking is not up-to-par I serve more wine. At least everybody is happy!

    My table setting is always lovely. Like you, I love china and have an extensive collection. Setting the table is my favorite task. There is nothing better than sharing a meal with family and friends. Maybe, just maybe your cookbook will take my cooking to a new level!
    LOL, Susan from Carlisle, MA, USA

  11. Yes please a cookbook! You always make me laugh and I always learn something new and fabulous from your posts.

  12. Tacky = Ugg boots. How can I thank you for that, Ellie? So glad they made the list.

    The cookbook -- great idea. If anyone can do it with enlisted assistance, you can! Even though I'm without family here in Stuttgart and so don't usually 'do' Thanksgiving (and I avoid factory farming food (sorry for the damper Ellie's readers)), I would love to get some of your mom's recipes. Green beans are one of my staples, so I'm intrigued.

    As always, I wish you a great day. Michelle

  13. I don't know how you do it Ellie but you put a smile on my face everytime I open your page.
    Thx for all the effort you put in your blogs, it is highly appreciated.

    Keep my fingers crossed ... XOXO

  14. Ellie, it is so nice to know somebody else has the same things on their list of 'tacky things to avoid at all costs'. It made me laugh to read it - and as I am Australian and have always loathed Ugg boots - it was especially funny. I have forwarded todays blog to a few friends, best wishes Ana

  15. Hi Ellie,
    I was never into Halloween but I think your blog has changed my mind a bit...Thanksgiving is a whole other story!! The cookbook would be awesome!! Oh my you are quite the gal...!!!

  16. Ellie,
    Can we add nail "art" to the tacky list ?
    Looking forward to the cookbook!
    You're the tops, to quote my favorite song writer!
    Bon weekend!

  17. Love the Halloween decor and can't wait for the cookbook! From a southern girl who loves to cook and has on occasion cooked my green beans until they are "dead with no vitamins"!

  18. Something tells me that you would not have your front garden filled with blow up Halloween paraphernalia like some of my neighbours do. Halloween is growing in popularity in Australia these days.Loved your list of tacky.Red carnations!! I cannot abide carnations and I’m a flower lover. I’m of to google Jane Seymours furniture now cos I’m not familiar with that. Love your blog and read it every day but haven’t commented before. Tonkath x

  19. OMG it’s hideous. All that shiny satiny crappy look. Very tacky indeed, Can I please have my ugh boots on in the house? I know they are tacky and I resisted them for years - but they are toasty.I promise I won’t be seen in them. Tonkath x

  20. I love waking up to seeing your blog in my inbox! It puts a smile on my face firs thing in the morning. Looking forward to the cookbook. Thank you for entertaining us , you my dear are an inspiration!

  21. I love and really look forward to your blog. I love hearing about your adventures.and I really enjoy your directness and honesty. You always bring a smile and often an outburst of laughter from me. So thankyou,much love Katrina xxx

  22. I LOVE what you're doing with this "one wild and precious life!" The world needs more non-crappy, non-tacky people, so MERCI to you! * Something about me? Thanksgiving is my favorite meal to cook. I go all out, even if it's just three of us. I read cookbooks like novels and would look forward to reading all about your classy but down-to-earth Mom's recipes. P.S. please save your energy and SAVOR your breath XO

  23. I do hope the cookbook happens! I am a terrible cook but I love setting the table, buying flowers etc. Maybe your mom can help me! I absolutely love your blog--I am a sarcastic bitch too and it's so fun to find someone with a similar sense of humor. My prayers are with you for a long and beautiful life.

  24. Dear Ellie,

    When at the office all day, and feeling the need for a break from the emails, meetings, etc., I cross my fingers and hope you have posted a new entry! There is not one of your postings that has not brought a smile and multiple laugh out loud moments that I have to explain to a colleague. Thank you for sharing your beautiful spirit and many talents!

    With gratitude,
    Jennifer in Princeton, NJ

  25. It's truly heartwarming to read all these nice comments...I think you must be doing something quite right! Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday....just family, friends and a shared meal...nothing else needed. Bring on the cookbook!

  26. David. Thank you for sharing your family with us. Oh, you didn't mean to. Well, Elle slaps a smile in my heart everyday. Do you read everything she writes? OMG!!!
    Elle. What's with toilet paper tails hanging almost to the floor? Hate it!!!
    Enjoy the weekend.

    1. Dear David NYC, my David said you're welcome. :-) Do people really have toilet paper tails hanging to the floor!? That's disgusting. Who does that! Next time you see it, take a picture and send it to me so I can be grossed out with you. I miss New York. Hope all is well there!

  27. Thanks to you all my tacky Halloween décor went to the thrift shop this week and I have my eye on some classy ravens. I savor every photo and every word. Love your talent and humor. After every blog I think, "Now THIS a woman to have as a friend." Damn ALS. Kathy in Washington State

    1. Dear Kathy, so glad you like the blog. Bravo for the classy ravens. I'm sure they will look great. And by the way, we already are friends! :-)

  28. It is so nice to know you read all the comments and that your blog gives you purpose. As I have said before you always make me laugh. I have read them to a co-worker who has laughed out loud. Your attitude toward your illness inspires me in my everyday life and helps me keep my perspective. I do, however, like some (not all) gladiator sandals. So there.

  29. thank you, thank you! your posts make me laugh... EVERY time. they are fresh, witty, and spot on.

  30. Like everyone else posting I look for your blog first thing every morning. You are better than caffeine to start my day. I can't wait for your cookbook. And speaking of dinners, I get these tacky emails about "if I invited any 8 women to dinner (alive or dead) you would be one" and I always delete thinking they are so juvenile. You my dear, just made me a joiner, you would definitely be my first pick for my table of eight (or maybe just the two of us)! D

  31. I cannot wait to buy your Thanksgiving cookbook! I have enjoyed your blog since day one! Your the real deal or as I like to say, "if Ellie says it is so, then it is so". Thanks for sharing all your creativeness, top notch taste and humor with us.

  32. I, too, wait with baited breath to see if there is an update to your blog! It makes me so happy. What doesn't make me happy is Halloween decorations of any kind in a yard with azaleas in it here in the American south! I think of you when I see those horrible Encode azaleas, because they bring out my inner bitch. I just wish I had your style, panache and writing skills to go with it!

  33. Love your blog, Ellie! Will definitely snap up that cookbook so hope it's able to come to fruition.Thanksgiving should be all about "real food" and not frou frou.
    Thank you for posting so often - yours is one of the only blogs I read and laugh out loud. It must be liberating to say/write what the rest of us are thinking. Please don't stop.
    P.S. Yogibear post pics of herself getting on private planes, but I love her anyway. And i'm sure you do, too. Susan

  34. I like funny or clever costumes for Halloween !

  35. Just found your blog.....it's been fun getting to "know" you ~ I guess you already know that you are a good writer, witty and fun to read....I say that you must know because so many of the above comments have said the same thing I'm feeling. Do you peg your readers on where they live? If so, I live in Orange Beach, AL about as southern as you can get. I can't figure out how in the hell to post my profile so I'll remain Anon in OBA - Pam Atkinson

  36. I already know you're going to do this, but please write the recipes like your mother is telling you how to do it. I can see where you got your wittiness! Your mother sounds hysterical.
    Love waking up to your new posts:)

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