That Day in St. Tropez…


Over the weekend, we took a little drive to St. Tropez. I always say that I would never be caught dead in St. Tropez during the summer but, as I am apt to do, I changed my mind and I decided that I would be caught dead in St. Tropez any day, any season. Why? Because it is fabulous. It’s basically Paris at the beach and what could be better than that?

I have had a long love affair with St. Tropez since I was 18 years old. You can read all about it HERE. I decided that I wanted to take Gracie there this weekend with my husband so she could see it and remember it with me. At this point with my ALS, I am all about creating memories with Gracie and David. Gracie hates this because it usually involves us waking up at the crack of dawn, taking a road trip, sightseeing and taking a lot of pictures of her. Not exactly what a 20-year-old wants to do with her parents every weekend. Ask me if I care…

So off we went to St. Tropez. It took about two and half hours to get there from our house and we made it just in time for the farmers market in the famous Place des Lices. I remembered it well from my youth… Vegetables, fruits, roasting chickens, Provençal spices, olives, the beautiful trees, the older gentleman playing pétanque… Heaven on earth. Even though it was the dead of winter, the sun was shining and it was wonderful.


We took a little walk through the village. 90% of the town was closed which was just fine for me because there were no tourists. It was actually great because I could “see” and appreciate the town much better this way. It was quiet and peaceful and could not have been more charming. Let’s take a look…


We stopped by the little museum, Le Musee de L'Annonciade, which is in a converted 16th century chapel and has works by Matisse, Picasso, Braque, Bonnard and Vuillard…


The only restaurant that was open was a teeny tiny Thai food restaurant on the harbor. We were starving so we ordered everything…Nem (fried spring rolls that you wrap in lettuce and mint that you dip in a tangy /sweet sauce), shrimp pad Thai, and Seabass wrapped in coconut leaves with vegetables. Absolutely delicious! The restaurant only had four customers so the service was great!

After lunch, we decided to drive to some neighboring villages…Ramatuelle and Gassin. The billion dollar price tag for real estate in this neck of the woods is completely warranted if you ask me.


We drove down to the famous Pampelonne beaches (Tahiti beach, Club 55) for a trip down memory lane. I couldn’t help myself but laugh at the irony that the last time I was at these beaches I was in a bikini, drinking champagne and dancing on tables… And now, in a wheelchair, breathing machine and all bundled up because “I can’t get cold.” You can either cry or laugh at the situation. I might have done both.


So that was our weekend… St. Tropez, fabulous all year around, then and now.

*Okay, so I have made a decision… I really want to finish this book that I have been writing. I started it four years ago and I’m still not finished! Sometimes I get distracted, sometimes I get uninspired and sometimes it’s just difficult emotionally to write. However, I think it’s important that I do this for Gracie. And for you. It’s not just a book about “what happened”, it’s also a book about how I dealt with “what happened.” It’s obviously a comedy. Just kidding/no I’m not. I am hoping that the book will be reflective and inspiring and hysterical because what’s more hysterical than getting ALS at 40 years old? So, in order for me to focus and finish this book I’m going to have to take a break from the blog. Maybe a month, maybe less. I might write a post here and there if something awesome happens but mostly I will just be trying to finish the book. But don’t worry, I am never far away… I will be posting daily on Instagram. Follow me HERE! And don’t worry about the shop, I will be posting updates and sneak peeks on Instagram daily with new items, antiques and more. In fact, I have some antique goodies that I will post this week. So, just follow me and we can stay in touch!

Click HERE to follow me on Instagram!

See you soon! You can always email me to say hi if you want. XOXO


  1. I am absolutely delighted that you are going to finish your book (I can't wait!!!) - but I devastated that you have to take a break from the blog. Ugh! I understand, but that doesn't mean it is going to be any easier. I am going to have withdrawals when I am unable to read you witty, insightful thoughts. Good luck. Bon chance. Bon courage. Work as efficiently as you can so you can return tout suite! Bisous!

  2. Well I hate that I won't see a blog for a while , but I can not wait for the book.

  3. As I am in bed, most of the time, I've mastered the art of living vicariously through others. After reading your post and seeing your pictures, I feel like I just went to St. Tropez, for the first time. It was wonderful that the streets were so quiet. I was swept away...thank you!

  4. Oops! I didn't think my comment went through, so I typed it out a few times. Now, I see that the comments must be approved first. I apologize if more than one came through!

  5. I will never get there so thank you for the glimpse of St. Tropez. I love farmers' markets, all the beautiful displays of food. I hope you can finish your book, I can only imagine how good it will be. Of course, I will miss your posts here, so hurry up(no pressure!).

  6. Congratulations on a wise and wonderful decision, Ellie! The book IS important and I can't wait to read it. I will miss your posts, but it helps to know you are doing something wonderful....Thanks for giving us a heads up...we would have been worried about you!

  7. BYW, get yourself the Biomat and you will never be cold again. Sent you an email awhile back about it.

  8. Ellie, I wish you so much inspiration to finish your book. Can't wait to read it when you are done. You continue to inspire all of us and I will miss you for a month! St. Tropez looks beautiful and I am so glad you and your Gracie and David got to go with you. Love you and your spirit!

  9. Dear Ellie, I will certainly miss your lively posts but I am also eager to read your book so "write on." I will try to be patient, as your posts are extremely interesting to me! Your loyal readers should give you inspiration in the finishing of the book.

  10. OKAY........I SAY THAT with a bit of hesitation.ONLY because I will miss YOU!
    This however,is very important for YOU to do for GRACIE and YOURSELF!
    SO< I Give you permission to escape for awhile...................
    I too need to take a break from READING BLOGS In the morning as I get NOTHING done around the house!So, maybe this will be a GOOD THING ALL THE WAY AROUND.
    YOU are a GIFT to SO many PEOPLE.
    To think I got to meet YOU!
    Ready to PINCH MYSELF!

  11. I think your book is very important, and I wish it would reach the widest audience possible.

    Also, I'm glad you're living in the sunshine now. It has to be healthier for you.

  12. Good luck with the book, dear Ellie. I will be one of the first to buy it and it will serve as an inspiration, just as your blog does every week. I will really miss your posts and will be happy when you are back. Loved the post on St Tropez, where I, too, have enjoyed the off-season sunshine. Love and good wishes from Germany, Cornelia

  13. Wonderful post as always! I am so glad to hear that you are going to put your mind to finishing your book. You have a way with words and an ability to engage the reader. You transport me to these fabulous places which really makes me want to go and see them for myself. It gives me such pleasure seeing the little star come up on my top sites page which indicates you have written another post. I think it would take a lot of courage to write your book in such an honest way so I wish you inspiration and strength. x

  14. I will be thinking of you and hoping the writing comes easily, wonderfully, and fearlessly.....which I have no doubt it will once you dedicate yourself to it alone. I know you probably don't want to hear it but you put the rest of us to shame (well, I can only speak for myself but I'm sure most of your readers will agree). I will miss you, too, but am lifting you up in spirit and heart from up the road :-)

  15. Ok. So now you're pushing me to get with it with Instagram--your posts and the posts that I should be writing. Blessing to finish The Book. xoxo Mary

    1. Sorry once again to have to reply via a Reply; suddenly no other option and I don't know why. Anyway, I will miss your posts; I really look forward to them. St. Tropez (with its palm trees and beautiful blue water and sky) looks so inviting "in the dead of winter." Hugs to you. Hope you finish the book sooner rather than later - for you and for us.

  16. Now I have another bit to add to my prayers for you: creativity and words flowing seamlessly! Like a rivah! As so many others have said here, I know this will be an important book...even if it will undoubtedly make us snort with laughter too from time.

    I am so happy that you got to enjoy the sun in St. Tropez. Once you have lived in Provence for a while, you will understand what other locals say about the "off" season...that it is "our time". :)

    Sending so much Love and Strength to you from over the plains like the crow flies!

  17. I will follow you on Instagram while you are writing. BTW, I forgot to mention that my son and I twirled for you at the appointed time Steve mentioned over the holidays. My son laughed; I cried. I guess that covers it. Bonne chance, Ellie. XOXO, Victoria

  18. All the best for finishing your book. I'm sure it will be a best seller.
    Your family will always remember your wonderful visit to St Tropez. Agree - it's a lovely spot. We re-visited again in May last year, heavenly weather. Shops and restaurants were open but not too many tourists. L'Anonciade is such a charming little gallery with a wonderful collection.
    One day had a fab lunch at club 55. In St Trop we stayed at a simple little hotel with a pleasant garden just across the road from the Place des Lices. Have many photos of scenes just like yours, including the Dior building. - The heavenly interior was filled with the most exquisite flowers in light pinks. Best wishes, Pammie

  19. Although I will miss your wonderful blog, I totally understand that you need to focus on your book. I'll be first in line to buy a copy. Love you Ellie... you're a wonderful inspiration to so many people :)


  20. It looks beautiful. part of France I've not been to. ...yet. I know how Gracie feels as my parents carted us all over europe, to every museum and old building :) but one day she will appreciate it and be thankful to have those get to writin' that book! xo

  21. Excellent! I am so glad you are dedicating some time and mental space to finish your book. You are a talented writer and really should be published. Will keep you in my thoughts and keep up with you on Instagram!

  22. You are wise to escape the rigours of blogging to refocus on your book...I will miss your posts but will stay connected on IG.
    St. Tropez looks gorgeous! May the ideas flow and the pen be your best friend...

  23. Please don't "tone it down" for the book. Please be the honest, snarky, dirty-mouthed, hilariously wonderful writer you are here no matter what any publisher tells you, and your book will soar to No. 1 overnight. That's a fact.

  24. Ellie I will miss your posts but I'm sending you thoughts with much love, inspiration, humour and strength to finish your goal of writing your book. You can always do a quick post asking for masses of support if you find yourself getting bogged down. You'll be flooded with encouraging comments as usual!! Best of luck in your writing dear girl. B. xxoo

  25. Hi Ellie, I don't know you but I feel like it do.... I think you are not only stunningly beautiful but you are absolutely hilarious and a very talented writer with a razor sharp wit. I especially appreciate your blunt honesty and willingness to share your personal experiences, pleasant as well as unpleasant. Pleeeeeeeze do finish your book; I cannot wait to read it! Love you, Winona Stewart, Carmel, California

  26. I always look forward to your posts, so I'll miss you...can't wait to read the book...and off I go to explore the wild, wonderful world of Instagram

  27. Love you and sending prayers to heaven. I ask that God will allow you to have untapped thoughts and ideas...peace...wet your pants humor...and that He wrap His loving arms around you as you try to get through those especially difficult chapters involving Gracie. We've talked about the book many times. Thrilled that you are wrapping it up. Trust your heart and it will be perfect!!!

  28. Bravo! I'm looking forward to your book, but will miss your blog posts. I am now considering 'joining' Instagram (is that even what one does?), after I've dedicated myself to not pursue social media. Never Facebook, but I've stuck my toe in Pinterest. We'll see if this old dog (read: bitch) can learn new tricks!
    On the upside, you've inspired me to finally plant my potager!

  29. Hi Ellie, I totally get that, my you have found a new home, a new location, packed, planned Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners, worried about Gracie in Paris, write a blog, travel, upload download, comment to others, and more more more, and you are taking a bit of a break from your blog to finish your book.....why ofcoarse sweets.....chill and now planning a potager blow my mind the energy you have and share with us out here......such a generious soul.....I have learned alot from you which I simply adore you.....wish I could win Sharon's fabulous give-a-way.....I would ask to visit you and bring you goodies you love and are so bad for us straight too you from the USA i.e. fritos & creative loving soul.....Take a break !!! Suzanna PS thank you for your support with my devastating scare, ***wink wink***
    Je vous aime

  30. Ellie, thank you for still being able to find the good in life. We love you. Can't wait for your book!

  31. I love that farmer's market: one of my favourite places on earth. Thank you for bringing me back there through your writing!
