The book is a style guide. It should have been titled: How to be Lovely. She gives her tips on fashion, beauty, shopping, entertaining and my favorite part... her faux pas. Her overall advise is to keep it simple. Good advise. I always think that if you dress or entertain in an over the top "look at me" way, you've got it all wrong. Being subtle is far more elegant.
All of the portraits in her book are of her teenage daughter, Nine. Ines could have put in pictures of herself but she didn't.... because she's cool.
My favorite section is her fashion faux pas. Here is a sample of her fashion no no's:
1. Bras with transparent straps. A stylish, visible bra is far sexier.
2. Never wear a necklace and earrings at the same time-too much.
3. Body piercing- "No future" is the wrong kind of fashion statement.
4. Leopard- skin dresses with plunging necklines. Too sexy is not sexy.
5. Plastic flip-flops. Guaranteed to to shatter the chic-est of looks. ( Mom, pay attention.)
I think the book should be a required reading textbook in schools.
You can purchase the book at or if you are in NYC tonight Madame Ines de la Fressange is signing copies at the Roger Vivier shop on Madison Ave. You can rsvp to 6:30-8:30.
A bientôt!