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Well, folks, I have some news. I am leaving France, Paris in particular, and I am moving back to the US, California in particular.

Why, you ask? Frankly? I hate it here. Not to be rude but I hate the French. It is time I get back to my home, my friends, my family, my surroundings and my food. You know it is time to leave a foreign country when Hidden Valley Ranch Dressing starts to taste bad… I need to get back to the US to reacclimatize my taste buds. They have become too refined and that is NOT good. I am American, for God’s sake. I don’t ever want to see a macaroon again… I am all about the sticky bun from here on out.

I leave July 31st. David will stay to work and will come later, so relax… We are not getting a divorce. I would kill him before that happened.

Okay, more exciting news:

Everything in the shop in the Antique category is half-off!

Also, if you live in the Paris area, I am having a moving sale at my apartment Saturday, July 9 at 10am. Email me for my address:

And the most exciting news will come in tomorrow’s blog. Just you wait, you are going to freak out and no, I am not pregnant. It’s better… It’s about shopping!

When I get back to the States, after I have smothered all of my friends with hugs and kisses, stared at the ocean for 5 hours, BBQ’ed at least 6 times, celebrated Gracie’s 21st birthday and watched E! for 10 hours to catch up on the “news”, after that you and I will start our new blogging life via California. I promise it won’t be boring and you won’t miss France one little bit.

I will be Instagramming every day on my journey home, so follow me HERE!

Au Revoir, France!


  1. Oh, Ellie, what exciting news to receive early on the 4th of July. I live in San Jose, CA and it will feel like we are almost neighbors. Hooray - your divine wit will be on this side of the pond. I will pray that your move goes smoothly and look forward to many sparkling posts during and after your move. Would you like for your California fans (friends) to greet you upon your return with waving flags and fireworks? -:)

  2. No, I will not miss France at all! Best of luck and do let us know if there's anything we can do to help. Omg maybe I should organize a welcome basket for you with junk food from each state provided by one of your readers. But Buckeyes are actually so good. Although you would probably want a frosty. I'm so excited for you!

    1. Count me in! (Montana; I used to live in Ohio, California, Arizona) :)

    2. Darling Contessa,
      As you once said to me, get on it! : )

    3. Stephen, Count me in for South Carolina junque food (ugh). EA

    4. Count me in for Alabama ! White BBQ sauce.

  3. WOW! This is most exciting Ellie! Can't wait until you are safely back home here in California!!! Xoxo S

  4. Ellie, this is great news indeed!! And your announcing it on the 4th of July is ever so appropriate!! Wish I could come to your moving sale . . .

  5. I'm so happy! We're gonna meet! Nancy in TEXAS

  6. Ellie, what happiness! Welcome back! Your life is sooo much more interesting than any of hollywood's celebrities. So what about your caretakers? Hows the new eye software going! Please keep us updated our dear friend! We love you!

  7. ❤️🙏🇺🇸 Welcome home! I hope it is Southern California!!!

  8. U S A, U S A, U S A!!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  9. Long time lurker coming out to say "Hooray, Bitches!" I am happy for me to see the 50% off booty and for you and your pursuit of all things awesome and American. I live in SF and will make a pilgrimage to you in order to be schooled on design faux pas. I will bring all bad processed food available to shove into a food tube. #sisterhood. HBH

  10. Wow. This is momentous. Is Grace going? It's great that you are going to be closer to family and friends. But despite your feelings now, you are going to miss France. The thing about moving is that a place gets inside of you and stays (like herpes!), so you get homesick even when you move home.
    Best of luck with the move. I wish I were closer to Paris to participate in your sale. Courage!

  11. Welcome homemail much as I loved my Paris life, it was good to come home, for me are awesome and a source of joy and inspiration to me....bises

  12. In_the_capital instagramJuly 4, 2016 at 8:36 AM

    I think I would actually travel to California from Canada just to greet you upon your arrival at LAX.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. ....France is lovely but sometimes home is the only place to be & whats not to love abt CA ??...I know Yolanda will be happy as im sure countless other friends...I know I would be...maybe someday I will finally get to meet you..:) ok got to get to shopping ! xoxo

  15. You never cease to amaze me!! I am SO happy for you XXOO Candy

  16. Yay Ellie! What an appropriate date to announce your independence day! I will miss the pics of the French hottie outside of your window, though. Maybe you can position yourself to get some surreptitious pics of some surfer dudes? Welcome home and have a safe trip!

  17. Oh Ellie! Great news! Think we will all celebrate today with fireworks, hot dogs, lemonade and apple pie! Safe travels home!

  18. Bummer...the sunburst mirror is out of, always a day late kind of like always a bridesmaid never a bride lol xoxo

  19. This is really great news and the next few weeks will fly by and then you'll be HOME. XOX

  20. Ellie, no one could ever accuse you of being boring. Holy Cow! Oh, La Vache!

    This is just what you need. How does David feel about it?

  21. Happy July 4th Ellie! Welcome back to the States! Safe travels xo Cynthia

  22. Thank god you are coming home. It's better for your mental and physical health. Cheers!!!⛱������������

  23. So excited for you! Even more excited for me! xoxoxo

  24. I do have a little bad news. Macaroons are a big thing here now. So sorry. ;)

  25. We will anxiously be waiting for you in the US!!!! So happy that you will be closer to all of us so we can smother you with our love

  26. Great news. There really is no place like home. xo

  27. Happy for you Ellie and also to see you feeling better and blogging more! Happy 4th of July and wishing you a smooth transition from an American in Paris to California Girl.

  28. Safe travel Ellie. Having lived abroad for 4 years some time ago, I was only too happy to return to my country. It is one thing to visit and quite another to live there!
    Wishing you a very smooth transition.
    Take care

  29. I read between the lines already and saw this coming!
    So will we have Montecito or Malibu?
    It will be fun to see what's in your shop after you start it up in U.S.
    Sheila in Port Townsend

  30. Oh Dorothy, there's no place like home!
    So overjoyed for you. I live in FL, and planning on moving back home to PA. It's like living on Mars and now I'll be going back to earth, to be near my loving, lifetime long friends. So desperately needed for support and kindness.
    I GET IT!!! So, so happy for you! I wish I could fly your plane..I would get a speeding ticket!!! Isn't it refreshing to have something so positive and life changing to look forward to?!? You made my day... You California girl you!!!

  31. Welcome home, from one Californian to another!

  32. Love hearing this great news, Extraordinary Ellie! xoxo

  33. OH MY GOSH, I am SO SO SO Excited for YOU and David will be coming clever thing you!
    Best weather, so beautiful out there.....I am beside myself.....wish I could come to your apartment too for
    the sale, but I am in Florida.....not far from California. LoL....not really.......SO HAPPY....fritos and all the junk
    food and good Bar B Q.....I love are a trip Ellie and funny I felt this coming.....XOXOX

  34. Welcome back. and au revoir french hottie from your instagram account.

  35. get all that Pacific Ocean healing ~ Love Ocean's....yiPPEE

    DO YOU Need a cat?MY MOTHER's looks just like YOURS!I need a HOME for a PERSIAN CAT originally from SANTA BARBARA!
    ANYONE Out there interested?HE IS FREE.........8 years old.
    SO, EXCITED...........wait until PENELOPE HEARS THIS!!!!!I think I will GO CALL HER!She just found a piece of furniture from my AUNTS house in MONTECITO...........maybe I need to come down and BUY and see YOU all in the same DAY!!!!!!XOXOXOXO

  37. So much has changed for you in these past couple of months - this is the best news EVER!
    Can't wait for you to be on home soil. Lots of rejoicing and best wishes for a smooth and safe journey! xox

  38. I am sure we cannot all wait to welcome you back - except that we will miss your instagram pics of the hottie in the park outside your window. :)
    I HOPE you are returning to Santa Barbara!
    Michelle from Simply Santa Barbara

  39. You are so amazing. *speechless* There is no one like you in the world.
    Love you so much. Thank you for the inspiration, always.

  40. Ellie, you never are without surprises! Much better junk food and tv here so welcome home, indulge yourself in all things American.

  41. I wish we could have a parade to welcome you home!! Who knows?! All I care is you are coming home and you will be surrounded by love and attention from all your " imaginary" friends and your real ones! There is no place like home! Thanks for such a beautiful 4th of July gift dear Ellie !

  42. I'm happy for you! Wish you could bring Teddy with you, would make it perfect. Safe travels!

    1. Actually, I think they can....if they really want the dog.

  43. I'm happy for you! Wish you could bring Teddy with you, would make it perfect. Safe travels!

  44. Ellie, I'm so excited for you! What wonderful news! You just made my 4th of July! Blessings from Marilyn in Lacey, WA

  45. Frexit - I love it! This is great news and hope the next month goes smoothly for you as you prepare to head back to North America. Svetlana

  46. Hello Ellie,
    You sound so happy and there is really no place like home. I am happy for you and will look forward to your adventures.
    Helen xx

  47. I'd already wondered why you didn't move back to the US and kind of figured you would eventually. Welcome home!

  48. I'm happy for you because you are happy. I hope it all works out the way you hope it will, Ellie. You deserve that.

  49. If I was American I would do the same. Hope all goes well with the move and see you from the other side of the ocean!

  50. Now THIS is a good idea. 4th of July is huge where I live. The entire town turns into a three day street party. It's Spanish Moss not and humid and by 3pm all I can think of is soft serve ice cream. DQ may be the best CA, but here there's a little shack with their own soft serve. Only a twist of chocolate and vanilla will hit the right spot, with of course the cheesy cake cup cone. Tip them before and your twist gets bigger.

    You have DQ and American smiles in your windshield, not your rear view mirror. Keep downing those Luna Rich thangs and get over here.

  51. Oh I think that's just the bees knees, sick with jealousy!

  52. Ellie,
    Fantastic news! For all of us lucky readers (a.k.a your imaginary friends), we'll always have Paris, thanks to you. But I'm so happy for you that you're coming home. The red carpet will be rolled out in anticipation!
    xo, Catherine

  53. Yay! Be safe traveling home. Can't wait for this next chapter....your daily rediscoveries in the US will help make us all grateful for the things we take for granted. Welcome home dear Ellie! xoxoxo

  54. Have a parade! I will be there if you are coming to California!!!

  55. Wishing you a safe trip home. Our California. HOME of Fire, Flood, earthquake, BUT HOME.
    Have a safe Trip.
    Lindsay from San Fernando Valley

  56. This is great news!! California here You come. Can't wait until tomorrow. xoxo Mary

  57. Hahahahha!! Frexit....what a hoot! WELCOME HOME, ELLIE!!! Can't wait to hear all about the move and your fast food pig out! Said pig out will NOT be complete until you have a DQ Peanut Buster Parfait ( or a Penis Blister Parfait as one drunk friend ordered late one night! ) Happy Trails!!!! Prayers coming, as always.

  58. Frexit - haha. So happy for you. Hope your move goes smoothly. Safe and speedy travels. I look forward to your stateside blogs. Hugs from Olivia xoox

  59. Sooooo exciting-yea for us!! Yea for YOU!!!

  60. My daughter will be 21 as well, in August :(((

  61. Santa Barbara's beaches are waiting for you babe!
    Safe travels!
    xo, cessna

  62. Now that's riveting E! News. Ellie News...appropriately delivered on the day we celebrate our Declaration of Independence (we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unELLIEnable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of HAPPINESS!! ;) XOX

    P.S. Hoping one of your well-connected friends hooks you up with a private jet. California Dreamin'?

  63. So glad you are coming home!!! I so wish you could swing through OKC and let me give you a hug, and I would let my Lillie (my resident Irish Wheaten Terrier) lick your face off!! Safe travels and hopefully a stress-free move!!

    Much love!!!

  64. Good for you, California will welcome you with open travels. So glad you will keep blogging.

    Sheila in SF

  65. Ellie -
    After 10 years in Shanghai, traveling all over Asia Pacific & the world, I've moved back to Dallas. It has changed a lot (for the better) but I am having trouble fitting in - just say'n. I am trying to get some first world problems so I can better deal with being American again - but I am damn glad to be home and out of the pollution and the internet now more blocked than Syria & Iran! Welcome back!

  66. I wish you ruby 👠 slippers and a soft landing🇺🇸

  67. Yea!
    Good for you!
    When you fly over Omaha, have the pilot dip a wing. That'll be a sign. I'll be watching the sky, looking for planes, thinking of you.

  68. Ellie,
    I'm very excited for you. Maybe Teddy can come along? Will you be in Santa Barbara? Sticky buns and chocolate chip cookies and soy lattes! I was looking forward to visiting you in Paris but maybe August or September in California will be better.

  69. Amazing news. I hope this is an indication your health is improving every day. I second Catherine's wish that you can bring dear Teddy with you. So many of your followers care about him and hope for a good life for him soon. Please try to help Teddy.

  70. Back to Santa Barbara I hope???

  71. You dont stop to amaze us! Bon voyage! I love you!
